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Annexation - Nimitz Fwy Annex , Acres, Ord 66-148, 05-17-1965
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Annexation - Nimitz Fwy Annex , Acres, Ord 66-148, 05-17-1965
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10/26/2022 6:03:58 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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CITY OF SAN LEANDRn <br />INTEROFFICE MEMO <br />TO <br />FROM <br />DATE Feb. 5. 1964 <br />SUBJECT Annexation of portions of four, streets pending relinquishment by the State to the City. <br />1 For several years the State has been trying to relinquish four, parcels of land which <br />2 are short portions of Washington Ave., Beatrice St., and a short frontage road on the east <br />3 side of Washington at the Nimitz Freeway interchange. These al-e described under State <br />4 Relinquishment No. 22304. This area was in the county when the Freeway agreement was made, <br />5 therefore it was made with the County. Subsequently upon annexation of the area surrounding <br />6 the Freeway, the State, County and City ag�eed that it was more appropriate to relinquish <br />7 the small portions of street to the City rather than to the County because if they were to <br />8 relinquish to the County they then, under County jurisdiction for main- <br />9 tenance and traffic controlaon=themetil. <br />10 to the City the streets first must be annexed to the City. <br />In order to effect relinquishment <br />11 As a condition upon relinquisrunent, reardless of what agency the land is relinquished <br />12 to, the State mu-st leave the streets in a satisfactory condition acceptable to the agent <br />13 to whom they are being relinquished. ,oTe have told the State what was satisfactory to us <br />14 and the State has complied in every respect, including agreeing to pay some 8400 to the <br />15 City for work on 'r`ashington Ave north of the interchange <br />16 I requested the City Attorney to 1lplease pl-,oceed with these annexations". The City <br />17 Attorney has replied, u t h thp attached memo Qf January 1 �, 1 . ,)1 i ndi na .i ng that, t.hL- <br />ri ter <br />18 Council must ask the Board of Supervisors to effect the annexation Apparently the <br />19 Attorney is not willing to place this matter on the Council's agenda or bring it to your <br />20 attention but has referred it back to me. We have prepared all of the material and <br />21 information several times that I feel is in our ability or power to do Therefore I am <br />22 asking you at this time to take whatever steps are necessary to effect this annexation <br />23 A <br />24 <br />25 fHT:Wep U- nv ici" r1W111111 <br />
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