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Annexation - Oakland Scavenger Mis Material, 1954 - 1964 pt1
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Annexation - Oakland Scavenger Mis Material, 1954 - 1964 pt1
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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I <br />c <br />A G R E E M E N T <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 17uh day of August, <br />1964, by and between the CITY OF OAKLAND, a municipal corporation, acting <br />by and through its Board of Port Commissioners, hereinafter called the <br />''Port,'' and the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter <br />called ''San Leandro,'' <br />W I T N€ S S E T H: <br />WHEREAS, the Port at its own cost and expense has constructed a <br />major storm water channel from the vicinity of Adams Avenue end Doolittle <br />Drive in the City of San Leandro to a point in San Francisco Bay at the <br />foot of Davis Street connecting with the sewage outfall channel of the <br />City of San Leandro; and <br />WHEREAS, the Port at its own cost and expense has also constructed <br />a branch or lateral drainage channel from the existing culverts under <br />the Airport Spur of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Company at <br />the southwesterly corner of 98th Avenue and Doolittle Drive along the <br />southwesterly or bayward side of said Airport Spur discharging into the <br />said major storm water channel at Adams Avenue and Doolittle Drive; and <br />WHEREAS, San Leandro has an existing ten (10) inch sanitary sewer <br />extending from Doolittle Drive near Adams Street across lands of the Port <br />to the San Leandro sewage treatment plant; and <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed that the Port permit the discharge of storm <br />water from lands east and north of Doolittle Drive into the said storm water <br />channel of the Port in exchange for the use of the said sanitary sewer <br />line of San Leandro to be used only by public agencies in the area lying <br />southerly and easterly of said storm water channel; now therefore <br />IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the parties hereto as follows: <br />to Any new culvert or conduit across Doolittle Drive at or near <br />Adams Avenue now or subsequently required by the presently existing and <br />contemplated changes in the drainage pattern and all changes in drainage <br />
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