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In the City of San Leandro of the State of California, in and <br />for the County of Alameda <br />matter oft Leland Heights <br />vs. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA 1 <br />J} SS. <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />Affidavit of Publication of <br />NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CIRCULATE <br />PETITION <br />A. Kofman ... -------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />of said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: <br />That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male <br />citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years and neither party to nor <br />in any way interested in the matter or action herein set forth, and is and was <br />competent to be a witness in said matter or action. <br />That he is now and at all times herein mentioned was the printer and <br />publisher of THE NEWS OBSERVER which is and was at all times herein men- <br />tioned a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published week days in <br />the City of San Leandro, Township of Eden, County of Alameda, State of Cali- <br />fornia, and as such, has now and at all said times had charge of all legal notices <br />and advertisements in said newspaper; that said NEWS OBSERVER, is now and <br />was at all times herein mentioned a newspaper of general circulation as that term <br />is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Section, <br />is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence <br />of general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, <br />and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or instruc- <br />tion of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for <br />any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations; <br />that at all said times said newspaper has been established, printed and published <br />at regular intervals, in said City, Township, County and State, for more than a <br />year preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; <br />that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpariel, and was preceded <br />with words in blockface type not smaller than nonpariel, describing and express- <br />ing in general terms the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. <br />That the .....notice of intention_ to circulate <br />..petition -.relating ... to --Mr euittion------------------------------------------------ <br />of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper............ <br />---------------------------aria-------------------- ......................................................... times <br />to -wit: from the.-.._---.t11.......... day of ...... A1X.9UStr...................A. D. 19.53.. <br />to the ................... IN! ....... day of.------------ A . ---------------...A. D. 19-53 -- <br />both days inclusive, viz, on the -------------------August ... 12,t... 9-53................... <br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />-----------------------_ .....-----.- , <br />--------------------------- <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................. of <br />-----------------------A. D. 19..5.3 <br />............... <br />Notary Public m<and for Said County of Alameda, <br />State of California <br />My Commirsion expires........................................................................... 19........ <br />My commission expires February 19, 1954 <br />