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ORDINANCE NO 560 N. S. Cont'd <br />map of "TRACT 532,1, etc., North 67" 30' East 14.86 feet; thence <br />Southeasterly along said line of said revenue along the arc of a <br />circle to the right, with a radius of 145 feet, an distance of <br />93.64 feet and tangent to the last mentioned course; thence <br />South 75' 30' East 8.03 feet and tangent to the last mentioned <br />course; thence South 750 3)' East b.03 feet and tangent to the <br />last mentioned course; thence Iiortheasterly along the arc of a <br />circle to the left, tangent to the last mentioned course, with <br />a radius of 22.73 feet, an are distance of 19.73 feet to the <br />most eastern corner of Lot 9, Block 2 of said "TRACT 5321, said <br />corner being on the cornon boundary line of said "TRACT 532", <br />and the Southwestern corner of :3lock 1 as said Block is shown <br />on that certain filed ma entitled "BLLIEViEW PARK TRACT", etc., <br />filed i,ovember 28, 1894 iii Book 17 of Laps, at Page bb, Alameda <br />County records; thence continueing along said Northwestern line <br />of aandelin -,venue, lvorth 540 46' 35" East to the point of <br />intersection of the ?ortheastern line of Parker Street with the <br />!,iorthwestern line of said Sandelin Avenue, as said Avenue and <br />Street are shorn on said filed mpp of "BELLEVIEW PARK T2AC1'; <br />thenceSoutheasterly and crossing said SandelinAvenue to the <br />_:orthegstern corner of Lot 1, Block 5, as said Lot and Block <br />are shown on said filed map of "TRACT 53211, etc, , thence South- <br />easterly along the boundary lines of Lots 19 10, <br />11 and 12 of said Block 5 of said "TRACT 532", South 35 ° 2b' <br />East 300.00 feet to the Southeastern corner of said Lot 12, <br />said corner being on the ivorthwestern line of Last Juana Avenue, <br />as shown on said filed map of "TRACT 532"; thence Southeasterly <br />and crossing said East Juana Avenue at right angles thereto <br />50.00 feet to a point on the Southeastern line of said Avenue; <br />thence Southwesterly along said Southeastern line of said East <br />.i unna Avenue, South 540 46' 35" vie st 97.57 feet to the r:orth- <br />eastern corner of Lot 19, Block 4, as said Lot and Block are <br />shown on said filed map of 'TRRACT 532"; thence Southeaterly <br />along the :Tortheastern boundary line of said Lot 19, Block 4 <br />of said map of "T_,MT 532% South 470 11' 10" Last 114.66 feet <br />to the Southeastern corner of said Lot 19; thence ,';esterly <br />along the Southern boundary line of said Tract 532, along the <br />are of a circle to the right with a radius of b6.52 filet, an <br />are distance of 616.76 feet; thence continuing along said <br />Southem boundary line of said TRACT 532,along the arc of a <br />compound circle to the right, with a radius of 2292.01 feet, <br />tangent to the last mentioned course, an arc distance of 471.61 <br />feet to the Southwestern corner of said TRr1CT 532, said corner <br />being on the northeastern line of Yoothill Boulevard, as same <br />now exists after widening by the State highTA;ay Commission; <br />thence ;esterly to the point of intersection of the 4estern line <br />of r'oothill Boulevard, as same existed prior to the widening, <br />with the Southeastern line of Joaquin Avenue, said point of <br />intersection being the i,',ortheastern corner of Lot 9, Block 67, <br />as said L,ot, Block, Boulevard and Avenue are shown on that certain <br />filed map entitled "ES`1UD1LLO TRACT", etc.* filed January 091676, <br />in Book 5 of i.:aps, at rave 32, Alameda County point <br />being also on the Eastern Boundary line of the City of San Leandro, <br />as same now exi,�s; thence .ortherly along said -astern boundary <br />line of aan Le.-ncso, said line beinn also the jesters linen f the <br />j4-oothill Boulevard, as s mme existed prior to widening; g <br />are of a circle to theleft, with a radius of 420.00 feet to the <br />j�ortheastern corner of Lot 24., Block 66 of said "F:BI'UDILLO TRACT"; <br />thence-.orthwesterly and crossing Estudillo Avenue, tangent to <br />the last mentioned course 66.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />