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_ v:�•1 13,44 Vfeet; <br />east 27.20 <br />feet tlrglpa o the southern line <br />of Lake'.O ad (Cnunty Road <br />No. 77.5 ow exists, the fol- <br />lowing 1'n F rses and distances; thence along a arc of a circle con- <br />cave to the right having a radius of <br />421.37 feet, an arc distance of 375.31 <br />feet; ihem•e tangent to the last named <br />line south 7tl° 34' loll east 37.a.31 <br />feet; I c e along the are of a circle <br />conuac , t1taC right having a radius <br />of 451 n feet, an arc distance of <br />:569.11 feet, thence tangent to the last <br />named line south 36° 18 2U" east <br />7a.84 feet to the intersect inn of the <br />southeastern line of Last Juana <br />t`r'rtity as said avenue is shown on <br />said map; theme south 54° 4ti' 35" <br />West along the last named line ' 35 feet; thence south 11° (la' 4�i" west. <br />fig feet; thence along the follow_ <br />ing' two rour"es and distances, said lines being the revised boundary <br />lines between lands of Georges Leroy, 1Sugene Repe Leroy and <br />Andre Lern}- and portion of P.locics <br />,�. 9 and lu as shown on said map, <br />south 54' 46' 35" west 531.56 feet; <br />thence south 50° 47, west 90.2o feet <br />In the intersection of the city of <br />San Leandro boundary line as es- <br />tablished by Ordinance No. 859 N,S.: <br />Ihence north 35' 26' west along the <br />last ,named line 106.28 feet to the <br />southeastern line of said .East Juana <br />Avenue; thence south 54° 46' 35" west <br />along the last named line 10.19 feet <br />I to the intersection of the city of I <br />San Leandro boundary line as es- <br />tablished by Ordinance No. 560 N.S.: <br />thence along the last named line <br />north 35° lo' 25" west 50.00 feet; <br />thence north- 35° 26, west 354.00 feet <br />to the northwestern line of Sande - <br />line Avenue as 17.iid avenue is shown <br />on said map; thence along the last <br />named line south 54° 46' 35" west <br />1.60.00 feet to the intersection of the <br />City of San Leandro boundary line <br />as established by Ordinance No. 858 i <br />K.S.; thence along the last named <br />line north 35° "li' west 150.00 feet; <br />thence north 52' 10' 36" east 110.09 <br />feet to the southwestern line of <br />Parker Street as said street is <br />shown on said map; thence along <br />the last named line- south 35° 26' <br />east 80.01 feet: thence north 541 46' <br />35" east 150.00 feet; thence north <br />35° 26' west 271.79 feet to the point <br />of beginning. <br />For the reasons for the proposed <br />petition reference is hereby made to <br />the "Statement of Reasons for Pro- <br />posed Petition" accompanying this <br />notice, , <br />Dated this 30th day of July, 1953. <br />Signed by the following propon- <br />ents -of said petition: <br />Name Address <br />LFL1' YORK 139,1 Parker St. <br />br .IAf'I{ ,11. FORK <br />:4s Power of Attorney In Fact <br />AIRS. HAROLD J. CHALL <br />1398 Graff Ave. <br />14RS. FRED SIMON 1492 Graff Ave. <br />sTATE,Mh,'NT OF REASONS FOR <br />PROPOSED PETITION <br />Annexation of the Leland Heights <br />area to the City of. San Leandro is <br />desirable to the residents of Leland <br />heights for the following reasons: <br />1. Provides the means, whereby <br />the residents of Leland Heights may <br />obtain Sanitary sewers at a reason- <br />able cost without a large cash out-' <br />lay.' <br />:. Provides the means whereby <br />si(iewalks, curbs and gutters may be <br />obtained at a reasonable cost with- <br />out a large cash outlay. <br />3r Provides a means for maintain- <br />ing property values. <br />4. Provides the npportunity for <br />mutual aid with the combined re - <br />of both communities for the <br />future development of the bay front <br />recreational area. <br />5. In view of the tax bills that are <br />before the state legislature, annexa- <br />I inn will provide a means of holding <br />property- taxes down to a minimum. <br />6. Provides for increased police <br />protection, <br />Provides for increased fit a pro - <br />teclion with a reduction in fire in- <br />surance rates. <br />B.-Provides the opportunity for re- <br />dueed utility rates. <br />9. Provides the residents of Leland <br />1-leights with the opportunity- for a <br />voice in the affairs of the larger <br />community of which they are a <br />part and parcel. <br />11). The slight increases in taxes, <br />will be offset by reductions in otherl <br />costs so that most residents will <br />experience no increase in total cash <br />outlay due to annexation. <br />Dated this 30th day of July. 1953. <br />Signed by the following propon- <br />ents of said petition : <br />NaIne Address <br />Li f.t' YORK 1391 Parker St. <br />by JACK :N1. FORK <br />As Tower of Attorney In Fact <br />11AP,OLD J. c1]3'18 Graff Ave. <br />h MRS. FRF.D SIMON 10-2 Graff Ave. <br />Publish once Aug. 12, 1953. <br />