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10 SLPMA MOU 2023-2028 <br /> Category Certificate Monthly Amount A P.S. 8% B P.M. 10% Legend: P.S.= POST Supervisory P.M.= POST Management <br /> Employees may only receive compensation for one Educational Incentive Program category. Payments shall be made per pay period upon proof of certificate. <br /> 11.3 Longevity and Master Police Manager Program <br />Employees who have completed fifteen (15) years of continuous sworn service with the City of San Leandro shall receive two percent (2%) of current base pay. <br />Employees who have completed twenty (20) years of continuous sworn service with the City of San Leandro shall receive four percent (4%) of current base pay. Employees who have completed twenty-five (25) years of continuous sworn service with the City of San Leandro shall receive five percent (5%) of current base pay. Employees hired prior to January 1, 2020 who held full-time positions as Jailer, Public Safety Dispatcher (I/II/Supervisor), or Police Service Technician (I/II/Supervisor) with the City of San <br />Leandro, shall be credited for their continuous time served towards the longevity thresholds set forth, above. Employees who were receiving longevity pay as of January 1, 2023 and received service credit under this provision, shall be grandfathered to receive the same <br />service credit toward the Master Police Manager incentive pay. Effective April 1, 2023, the Longevity pay program will be replaced by a Master Police Manager Program for employees that satisfy the criteria herein. The City shall provide Master Police Manager pay to eligible employees as a career development incentive. The Master Police Manager Program is designed to recognize employees who develop in the profession through education, training, departmental involvement, and community engagement. Eligible criteria are based upon specified requirements, including years of service with the San Leandro Police Department and other law enforcement agencies, performance standards, education, POST certification(s), and performing specialty assignment(s). The Master Police Manager Program is not a longevity (years of service) program but should be <br />regarded as a career development program that benefits the employee, the San Leandro Department and the residents of the City of San Leandro. <br />Eligibility Requirements Master Police Manager I: <br />• Possession of an Intermediate POST Certificate. <br />• Completion of at least 29 units of college credit or at least 40 hours of Crisis Intervention Training. <br />• Completion of at least three (3) years of special assignment work, including at least one (1) qualified special assignment with the San Leandro Police Department. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A7E56923-E844-4E1E-B28B-63758B9853B8