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9 SLPMA MOU 2023-2028 <br /> The salary schedules reflect wage adjustments as follows: A six (6%) percent across the salary schedule adjustment effective January 1, 2023. A four (4%) percent across the salary schedule adjustment effective July 1, 2024. <br />A four (4%) percent across the salary schedule adjustment effective July 1, 2025. A three (3%) percent across the salary schedule adjustment effective July 1, 2026. <br /> A five (5%) percent across the salary schedule adjustment effective July 1, 2027. <br />11.1 Application of Pay Rates A. Pay for Employees in an “Acting” Capacity <br /> Employees may be assigned to perform the duties of a permanent position in a higher classification on a temporary basis. Such assignments shall be termed "acting assignments" and shall be made subject to the following conditions: (1) Acting assignments shall be made by the Police Chief only, with City Manager approval, and shall be made prior to the beginning of the shift and with written notification to the acting employee; <br /> (2) Acting assignments shall be made only in those instances where the acting employee will be responsible for the performance of the full range of duties of the higher classification for not less than five (5) full workdays; (3) Acting pay shall be the step in the salary range of the higher classification that <br />represents an increase closest to, but not less than 5% above the acting employee's current salary, not to exceed the maximum step of the higher classification’s salary range. (4) Employees who qualify for acting pay shall be compensated at their acting pay salary level during periods of approved leave, during the acting assignment. In the event that such an employee is absent from work because of illness or injury for five consecutive days, the City may terminate the employee’s acting assignment and the additional compensation provided therefore. Nothing in this section shall preclude the temporary assignment of an employee to <br />perform some of the duties of a higher classification for the purpose of providing training in the work of the higher classification. Such temporary training assignment shall not constitute acting assignment within the meaning of this section and shall receive no additional compensation. It is understood that the above provision shall not be interpreted as requiring the City <br />to fill each temporary vacancy by an acting assignment. 11.2 Educational Incentive Program Permanent employees shall be eligible for the following educational incentive program. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A7E56923-E844-4E1E-B28B-63758B9853B8