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1 <br /> <br />I. RECITALS This CONTRACT is entered into between the California Department of Parks and <br />Recreation (hereinafter referred to as “GRANTOR,” “DEPARTMENT” or “STATE”) and <br />City of San Leandro (hereinafter referred to as “GRANTEE”). The DEPARTMENT hereby grants to GRANTEE a sum (also referred to as “GRANT MONIES”) not to exceed _$2,750,000___, subject to the terms and conditions of this <br />AGREEMENT and the 2021/22 California State Budget, Chapter 21, statutes of 2021, Item number – 3790-101-0001 (appropriation chapter and budget item number hereinafter referred to as “SPECIFIED GRANT”). These funds shall be used for completion of the GRANT SCOPE(S). <br />The Grant Performance Period is from _July 01, 2021_ to _June 30, 2028_. II. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Definitions <br /> As used in this CONTRACT, the following words shall have the following meanings: <br />1. The term “APPLICATION” means the individual project APPLICATION packet for a project pursuant to the enabling legislation and/or grant program PROCEDURAL <br />GUIDE requirements. 2. The term “CONTRACT PERFORMANCE PERIOD” means the duration of time during which this CONTRACT is in effect. <br />3. The term “DEPARTMENT” or “STATE” means the California Department of Parks and Recreation. 4. The term “DEVELOPMENT” means capital improvements to real property by means of, but not limited to, construction, expansion, and/or renovation, of <br />permanent or fixed features of the property. 5. The term “GRANTEE” means the party described as the GRANTEE in Section I of this AGREEMENT. <br />6. The term “GRANT PERFORMANCE PERIOD” means the period of time during which eligible costs may be incurred by the GRANTEE and paid for by the DEPARTMENT, as specified in the fully executed CONTRACT. 7. The term “GRANT PROJECT” means all real estate, leases, subleases, buildings, <br />and other property acquired or developed with GRANT monies. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: AE6086EB-0E28-430C-BE2D-4D72B1CC6375DocuSign Envelope ID: 69019078-192C-4C9B-B68E-2E206A55661CDocuSign Envelope ID: 0890D3DF-54A0-4D10-96F0-5675BD278475