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C5054054_Amendment 1-FullyExecuted_Signed 1.pdf
City Clerk
City Council
C5054054_Amendment 1-FullyExecuted_Signed 1.pdf
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7 <br /> <br />2. The GRANTEE shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of residence except to the extent that reasonable differences in admission or other fees may be maintained on the basis of residence and pursuant to law. <br />3. All facilities shall be open to members of the public generally, except as noted <br />under the special provisions of this project contract or under provisions of the enabling legislation and/or grant program. <br />K. Severability <br />If any provision of this CONTRACT or the application thereof is held invalid, that <br />invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the CONTRACT which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this CONTRACT are severable. <br />L. Liability <br /> 1. STATE assumes no responsibility for assuring the safety or standards of construction, site improvements or programs related to the GRANT SCOPE. The STATE’S rights under this CONTRACT to review, inspect and approve <br />the GRANT SCOPE and any final plans of implementation shall not give rise <br />to any warranty or representation that the GRANT SCOPE and any plans or improvements are free from hazards or defects. 2. GRANTEE shall ensure that any contractor hired has adequate liability <br />insurance, performance bond, or other security necessary to protect the <br />GRANTEE interest and the STATE’s interest against poor workmanship, fraud, or other potential loss associated with the completion of the GRANT PROJECT. <br />M. Assignability <br /> Without the written consent of the STATE, the GRANTEE’S interest in and control of any portion of the GRANT PROJECT and responsibilities under this CONTRACT shall not be assignable or transferable by the GRANTEE either in whole or in part. <br /> N. Use of Grant Monies GRANTEE shall not use any grant funds (including any portion thereof) for the purpose of making any leverage loan, pledge, promissory note or similar financial <br />device or transaction, without: 1) the prior written approval of the STATE; and 2) any financial or legal interests created by any such leverage loan, pledge, promissory note or similar financial device or transaction in the project property shall be completely subordinated to this CONTRACT through a Subordination Agreement provided and approved by the STATE, signed by all parties involved in <br />the transaction, and recorded in the County Records against the fee title of the project property. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: AE6086EB-0E28-430C-BE2D-4D72B1CC6375DocuSign Envelope ID: 69019078-192C-4C9B-B68E-2E206A55661CDocuSign Envelope ID: 0890D3DF-54A0-4D10-96F0-5675BD278475
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