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©2015 California Association of Business Brokers Page 2 of 3 Consulting Agreement, Rev 01/16 <br />12. Severability: In the event that any provision or covenant <br />of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid, <br />such provision or covenant shall be deemed modified to the <br />minimum extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable, <br />and the validity and enforceability of the remaining <br />provisions and covenants of this Agreement shall not be <br />affected thereby. <br />13. Governing Law: This Agreement has been executed in <br />and shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. <br />Venue for any and all controversies involving this Agreement <br />shall be the County in which the Consultant’s office is <br />located. <br />14. Mediation: As a condition precedent to initiation of any <br />legal action or arbitration proceeding by either party, <br />Consultant and Client shall mediate any dispute or claim <br />between them arising out of this Agreement or any resulting <br />relationship or transaction between such parties. Either <br />party may demand mediation by notice to the other party, <br />which notice shall state the nature of the dispute to be <br />resolved. From the date such notice is given, the parties <br />shall agree upon a mediator not later than the tenth <br />business day thereafter. If the parties cannot agree upon a <br />mediator, the matter shall be submitted to the American <br />Arbitration Association (“AAA”) for appointment of a <br />mediator and to conduct the mediation. Mediation shall <br />occur in the county in which the Consultant’s office is <br />located. The parties shall have 45 days from the selection of <br />the mediator to commence the first mediation session. The <br />parties shall share all mediation costs equally. The parties <br />agree that any mediated settlement agreement may be <br />converted to an arbitration award or judgment (or both) and <br />enforced according to the governing rules of civil procedure. <br />Should either party fail to participate timely and in good faith <br />in the selection process for the mediator, or in the mediation <br />process, such party will be deemed to have refused <br />mediation, and that party shall not be entitled to attorney <br />fees that might be otherwise available to it in any <br />subsequent court action or arbitration. <br />15. Attorney Fees: In any action to construe or enforce this <br />Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover <br />its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs in addition to any <br />damages or other remedy awarded. <br />16. Amendment: No amendment or variation of the terms <br />of this Agreement, with or without consideration, shall be <br />valid unless made in writing and signed by all of the parties <br />to this Agreement at the time of such amendment. <br />17. Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire <br />understanding between the parties concerning the subject <br />matter contained herein. There are no representations, <br />agreements, arrangements or understandings, oral or <br />written, between or among the parties, relating to the subject <br />matter of this Agreement which are not fully expressed <br />herein. Any changes to this Agreement must be in writing, <br />signed by the parties. <br /> <br /> <br />THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOWLEDGES READING AND UNDERSTANDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />ABOVE. IF THE UNDERSIGNED IS A PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION, LLC OR OTHER ENTITY, THE PERSON <br />SIGNING BELOW ON BEHALF OF SUCH ENTITY REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT HE OR SHE HAS THE <br />FULL AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF SAID ENTITY AND ITS OWNERS. THE <br />UNDERSIGNED FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING RECEIVED A FULLY COMPLETED COPY OF THIS <br />AGREEMENT AND PERSONALLY GUARANTEES ITS PERFORMANCE. <br /> <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. <br /> <br />CONSULTANT: CLIENT: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />By: By: <br /> <br />Title: Title: <br /> <br /> <br />Steve Zimmerman, Restaurant Realty Company <br />Owner <br />Thomas Liao Director Community Development Dept <br />City of San Leandro <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 58867286-9B22-4C32-AB0F-12E80B87EBC9