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a. Provide hours of operation. <br />b. Clarify activities in rooms listed A, B, Rooms, and Workshop. <br />c. Clarify if kitchen is for employees. <br />d. Provide Occupancy Type for each occupant load provided in plan set. <br />e. Provide location of all equipment used in each space. <br />f. Provide an egress plan. <br />g. Title 24 required for MEP modifications. <br />h. Construction and Demolition recycling per 2019 CalGreen. <br />i. 2019 CalGreen Non -Residential Mandatory Measures Checklist. <br />j. Plan shall be wet stamped by a licensed professional. <br />12. Include the following requirements in the design of the project: <br />a. Provide van and standard accessible parking space with signage and <br />stripping. <br />b. Provide accessible path of travel from public right of way, accessible parking, <br />offices, kitchen, workshop, rooms labeled as A / B, rooms, and restrooms. <br />c. Front entrance shall be accessible. <br />d. Provide accessible clearances for all accessible spaces. <br />e. All exterior walking surfaces shall be ADA compliant. <br />f. All restrooms shall be accessible. <br />g. Project shall comply with 2019 California Building Code Chapter 11 B. <br />13. All submittals shall include required mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plans. No <br />deferred MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing) is allowed. <br />14. All revision clouds and deltas added during this Planning permit review must be <br />removed prior to submitting to Building for permit. <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />15. The proposed project shall comply with all Applicable Code and City ordinances, <br />policies and regulations. The applicant shall obtain all necessary building permits <br />prior to construction of the project. <br />16. Building Permits (Fire Code plan check). The following Conditions of Approval <br />shall be met prior to the issuance of a building permit and fire clearance for <br />occupancy. <br />PLN22-0046 2100 Orchard Ave November 3, 2022 <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 3 of 6 <br />