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Requests for the demolition, destruction or removal of a designated city landmark, merit <br />resource, historic district or historic district contributor shall be submitted to the Commission <br />Secretary. <br />The T ibr y 14ister4eal Commission Planning Commission shall review the request presented by <br />the property owner at a regularly scheduled public hearing, and shall provide recommendations <br />to the City Council regarding a course of action. <br />The City Council may approve or deny any request to demolish, destruct or remove a designated <br />historic resource. <br />31. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-1300 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-1300 RELOCATION OF A DESIGNATED HISTORIC RESOURCE. <br />Relocating a designated historic resource may be an acceptable alternative to demolition if the <br />City Council or T ibr^M, Hister-ieal Commission Planning Commission can find that the <br />relocation is compatible with the original character and use of the historic resource. <br />Requests for relocation of a designated historic resource shall be submitted to the Commission <br />Secretary. <br />No designated historic resource shall be relocated without a certificate of approval issued by the <br />City Council or Libra..., 14ister4eal C m missio Planning Commission. <br />32. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-1305 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-1305 RELOCATION OF A DESIGNATED CITY LANDMARK. <br />The r ;brai.., 14isto,.ieal r,,,,,missio Planning Commission shall review the request for relocation <br />at a regularly scheduled public meeting, and provide recommendations to the City Council <br />regarding a course of action. <br />The City Council may approve, deny or approve the relocation request with specified changes. <br />33. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-1310 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-1310 RELOCATION OF A DESIGNATED MERIT RESOURCE. <br />The T ;brai-, 14istor-ieal Commission Planning Commission shall review the request for relocation <br />at a regularly scheduled public meeting. <br />The Commission may approve, deny or approve the relocation request with specified changes. <br />34. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-1315 is amended to read as follows: <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2022-021 12 <br />