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16. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-500 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-500 TIMELINE OF DECISION. <br />The Library Historieal (`.,,ti,missio Planning Commission shall take final action on matters <br />referred to the Commission pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter within ninety (90) days of <br />the date upon which the matter is first agendized for Commission consideration. An extension of <br />up to ninety (90) days may occur if the Commission and applicant agree that it is necessary. <br />17. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-805 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-805 INITIATION OF DESIGNATION OF A CITY LANDMARK. <br />The City Council, T ;b,ary Historieal r^m,,. issia., Planning Commission, or any property owner <br />as to their property may initiate the designation of a city landmark. <br />18. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-815 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-815 INITIATION OF DESIGNATION OF A HISTORIC DISTRICT OR HISTORIC <br />DISTRICT CONTRIBUTOR. <br />The City Council, Library l4isterieal r,,,,.,,,. issi . Planning Commission or any property owner <br />within the boundaries of a proposed historic district may initiate the designation of a historic <br />district with a resident's petition signed by a minimum of fifty-one percent (51 %) of property <br />owners within the boundaries of the proposed historic district. <br />Any property owner as to their property may initiate the designation of a historic district <br />contributor as part of a designated historic district. <br />19. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-900 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-900 PROCEDURES FOR HISTORIC RESOURCE DESIGNATION. <br />Individuals interested in obtaining historic site designation for a property shall submit to the <br />Commission Secretary a completed application for property designation and a completed copy of <br />the appropriate State of California Department of Parks and Recreation forms for the building, <br />structure, object, landscape, site or archaeological site intended for designation. The forms will <br />be used to document the historical, architectural or archaeological significance of said building, <br />structure, object, landscape, site or archaeological site, such that the Commission can render an <br />informed decision regarding the application for designation using the criteria for significance <br />established in this Chapter. <br />The Commission Secretary shall review all submitted documentation regarding a property <br />proposed for historic resource designation and may request additional information from the <br />applicant(s) about the subject property before presenting the information to the Library <br />Histor-ieal Commission Planning Commission. <br />20. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-905 is amended to read as follows: <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2022-021 <br />