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4-26-905 PROCEDURES FOR DESIGNATION OF A CITY LANDMARK. <br />The Library 14ister4eal Commission Planning Commission shall review the city landmark <br />designation application and documentation forms at a regularly scheduled public meeting and <br />provide a recommendation to the City Council regarding the designation of the property, <br />pursuant to the criteria established in this Chapter. The City Council will act regarding the <br />designation of a property. <br />Designation of a city landmark does not require owner consent. <br />21. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-910 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-910 PROCEDURES FOR DESIGNATION OF A MERIT RESOURCE. <br />The Library ary Histor-ieal Commission Planning Commission shall review the merit resource <br />designation application and documentation forms at a regularly scheduled public meeting and act <br />regarding the designation of the property, pursuant to the criteria established in this Chapter. <br />Designation of a merit resource requires owner consent. <br />22. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-915 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-915 PROCEDURES FOR DESIGNATION OF A HISTORIC DISTRICT OR HISTORIC <br />DISTRICT CONTRIBUTOR. <br />The T ;b,. i, -y 14ister-ical C^,,,miss:^„ Planning Commission shall review the historic district or <br />historic district contributor designation application at a regularly scheduled public meeting and <br />provide a recommendation to the City Council regarding the designation of the historic district or <br />historic district contributor, pursuant to the criteria established in this Chapter. The City Council <br />will act regarding the designation of a historic district or historic district contributor. <br />Designation of a historic district requires the consent of a minimum of fifty-one percent (51 %) of <br />all property owners located within the boundaries of the historic district. In determining the <br />boundaries of the historic district, the City Council will exclude property owners that have <br />expressed a preference to opt out of the historic district. <br />Designation of a historic district contributor as part of a historic district requires owner consent. <br />23. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-1015 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-1015 PROCEDURES TO RESCIND A CITY LANDMARK DESIGNATION. <br />The Library Histor-ie i r,.nifnissia Planning Commission shall review the request and evidence <br />presented by the property owner, and will provide recommendations to the City Council <br />regarding a course of action. <br />The City Council may approve or deny the request to rescind a city landmark designation. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2022-021 9 <br />