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2 <br /> <br />PROCEDURAL GUIDE provides the procedures and policies controlling the <br />administration of the grant. <br /> <br />B. Project Execution <br /> <br />1. Subject to the availability of GRANT MONIES, the STATE hereby grants to the <br />GRANTEE a sum of money not to exceed the amount stated in Section I of this <br />CONTRACT, in consideration of, and on condition that, the sum be expended in <br />carrying out the purposes as set forth in the scope described in the enabling <br />legislation and referenced in the APPLICATION, Section I of this CONTRACT, and <br />under the terms and conditions set forth in this CONTRACT. <br /> The GRANTEE shall assume any obligation to furnish any additional funds that <br />may be necessary to complete the GRANT SCOPE(S). <br />The GRANTEE agrees to submit any change or alteration from the original GRANT <br />SCOPE(S) in writing to the STATE for prior approval. This applies to any and all <br />changes that occur after STATE has approved the APPLICATION. Changes in the <br />GRANT SCOPE(S) must be approved in writing by the STATE. <br />2. The GRANTEE shall complete the GRANT SCOPE(S) in accordance with the time <br />of the Performance Period set forth in Section I of this CONTRACT, and under the <br />terms and conditions of this CONTRACT. <br />3. The GRANTEE shall comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (Public <br />Resources Code, Section 21000, et seq., Title 14, California Code of Regulations, <br />Section 15000 et seq.). <br />4. The GRANTEE shall comply with all applicable current laws and regulations <br />affecting DEVELOPMENT projects, including, but not limited to, legal requirements <br />for construction contracts, building codes, health and safety codes, and laws and <br />codes pertaining to individuals with disabilities, including but not limited to the <br />Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.) and the <br />California Unruh Act (California Civil Code §51 et seq.). <br /> <br />C. Project Costs <br />1. GRANTEE agrees to abide by the PROCEDURAL GUIDE. <br />2. GRANTEE acknowledges that STATE may make reasonable changes to its <br />procedures as set forth in the PROCEDURAL GUIDE. If STATE makes any <br />changes to its procedures and guidelines, STATE agrees to notify GRANTEE <br />within a reasonable time. <br /> <br />D. Project Administration <br />1. If GRANT MONIES are advanced for DEVELOPMENT projects, the advanced <br />funds shall be placed in an interest bearing account until expended. Interest <br />earned on the advanced funds shall be used on the project as approved by the <br />STATE. If grant monies are advanced and not expended, the unused portion of the <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: EE265C6E-130F-453B-A7CE-44C45D1541E6