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3 <br /> <br />grant and any interest earned shall be returned to the STATE within 60 days after <br />project completion or end of the Grant Performance Period, whichever is earlier. <br />2. The GRANTEE shall submit written project status reports within 30 calendar days <br />after the STATE has made such a request. In any event, the GRANTEE shall <br />provide the STATE a report showing total final project expenditures within 60 days <br />of project completion or the end of the grant performance period, whichever is <br />earlier. The Grant Performance Period is identified in Section I of this CONTRACT. <br />3. The GRANTEE shall make property or facilities acquired and/or developed <br />pursuant to this contract available for inspection upon request by the STATE. <br />E. Project Termination <br />1. Project Termination refers to the non-completion of a GRANT SCOPE. Any <br />grant funds that have not been expended by the GRANTEE shall revert to the <br />STATE. <br />2. The GRANTEE may unilaterally rescind this CONTRACT at any time prior to the <br />commencement of the project. The commencement of the project means the date <br />of the letter notifying GRANTEE of the award or when the funds are appropriated, <br />whichever is later. After project commencement, this CONTRACT may be <br />rescinded, modified or amended only by mutual agreement in writing between the <br />GRANTEE and the STATE, unless the provisions of this CONTRACT provide that <br />mutual agreement is not required. <br />3. Failure by the GRANTEE to comply with the terms of the (a) PROCEDURAL <br />GUIDE, (b) any legislation applicable to the ACT, (c) this CONTRACT as well as <br />any other grant contracts, specified or general, that GRANTEE has entered into <br />with STATE, may be cause for suspension of all obligations of the STATE unless <br />the STATE determines that such failure was due to no fault of the GRANTEE. In <br />such case, STATE may reimburse GRANTEE for eligible costs properly incurred in <br />performance of this CONTRACT despite non-performance of the GRANTEE. To <br />qualify for such reimbursement, GRANTEE agrees to mitigate its losses to the best <br />of its ability. <br />4. Any breach of any term, provision, obligation or requirement of this CONTRACT by <br />the GRANTEE shall be a default of this CONTRACT. In the case of any default by <br />GRANTEE, STATE shall be entitled to all remedies available under law and equity, <br />including but not limited to: a) Specific Performance; b) Return of all GRANT <br />MONIES; c) Payment to the STATE of the fair market value of the project property <br />or the actual sales price, whichever is higher; and d) Payment to the STATE of the <br />costs of enforcement of this CONTRACT, including but not limited to court and <br />arbitration costs, fees, expenses of litigation, and reasonable attorney fees. <br />5. The GRANTEE and the STATE agree that if the GRANT SCOPE includes <br />DEVELOPMENT, final payment may not be made until the work described in the <br />GRANT SCOPE is complete and the GRANT PROJECT is open to the public. <br /> <br />F. Budget Contingency Clause <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: EE265C6E-130F-453B-A7CE-44C45D1541E6