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<br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between 3/16/2023 <br />City of San Leandro and Sherwood Electric—Exhibit A Page 1 of 1 <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />Introduction <br />The Public Safety Building is currently under construction as part of the Police Building and South Offices <br />Modifications project. Electrical wires are needed to connect the new electrical panel to the existing main <br />switchboard in the mechanical room. The contractor for the project is unable to do said work in the early <br />morning hours to minimize disruption to Police services, so the City’s on-call electrician, Sherwood Electric, <br />was asked to assist. <br /> <br />An electrical conduit was recently removed within the mechanical room to allow for the replacement of the <br />chiller for the building’s HVAC system. The conduit will have to be reinstalled before the aforementioned <br />wire connections to the main switchboard are made. <br /> <br />Scope of Work <br />Contractor shall reinstall a 3.5” conduit between the east wall of the Public Safety Building mechanical <br />room to the existing main switchboard located near the northwest corner of the room. Contractor shall also <br />connect the existing four #500 wires and one 3/0 ground wire to the existing main switchboard. <br /> <br />The path of the 3.5” conduit through the mechanical room is not yet determined. Contractor shall <br />determine how the conduit is to be routed if it cannot be installed as it previously was. <br /> <br />The connection of said wires at the new electrical closet shall be done by others. <br /> <br />Timeline <br />The work described above shall be completed by April 14, 2023. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3B552DAF-5522-4B74-9190-32590F35FE11