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File Number: 22-656 <br />This project has a total project cost of approximately $15,200,000. Over half of the project’s <br />funding ($8,950,000) is provided by City General Funds with the remaining amount provided by a <br />combination of grant, gas tax, and Water Pollution Control Plant enterprise funds. <br />The City of San Leandro maintains approximately 180 centerline miles of paved roadways. The <br />Annual Street Paving 21-23project will complete paving maintenance on approximately 15.5 lane <br />miles; and includes 88 street segments comprised of 11 arterial streets, 13 collector streets, and <br />64 local streets. A list of the street segments proposed for restoration is attached. The project <br />also includes improvements to bike and pedestrian access within the project limits, sewer point <br />repairs, and curb ramps. The contract provides for the upgrade of pedestrian curb cut ramps. <br />Streets within the project will receive either replacement of the top layer of asphalt, a 3/8” <br />rubberized seal coating, or thin slurry seal coat. The streets selected for rehabilitation are the <br />streets that had the lowest pavement condition index (PCI) or pavement condition that could also <br />be restored using the above methods. When selecting streets, priority is also given to streets that <br />carry more vehicles and streets that are on a bike route. <br />This curb ramp work was bid separately from the rest of the project scope to accelerate project <br />delivery. As part of the proposed base contract, the Contractor will replace or upgrade 376 <br />pedestrian curb cut ramp locations as required by the ADA for streets receiving cape seal or <br />overlay restorations. In addition, this contract will upgrade 86 curb ramps, as included in the <br />additive bid alternate A in preparation for additional streets proposed for paving by the City’s <br />paving crew. Future construction contracts planned for this project include public bids for sanitary <br />sewer point repairs, paving surface seal improvements (asphalt rubber cape seal and slurry seal), <br />and paving rehabilitation (mill and fill) phases. <br />Analysis <br />On July 20, 2022, City opened bids for the subject project. Six bids were received with base bids <br />ranging between $2,069,750 and $2,631,350, and the Additive Alternate A ranging between <br />$401,750 and $478,690. Staff determined that Spencon Construction is the apparent low bidder <br />based on the base bid. Spencon Construction is also the lowest bidder for the base bid plus <br />additive alternate A option. The pre-bid Engineer’s Estimate for base bid construction was <br />$2,809,550, and $503,000 for the additive alternate A. Staff recommends the award of a <br />construction contract to Spencon Construction for the ‘base bid plus additive alternate A’ for <br />$2,471,000. Staff verified that Spencon Construction has a valid Contractor’s State License <br />Board license and is registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations. <br />Additionally, staff recommends appropriation of SB1 funds for $465,000 to complete ramps <br />included in additive alternate A for the subject project. These ramps were bid as an alternate <br />because they are located on streets that will be paved by the City’s Public Works Department <br />using internal equipment. Although street paving maintenance can be done directly by the City’s <br />Public Works Department, they do not have the resources to complete any related concrete ramp <br />replacements SB1 is the funding source used by Public Works for its street work. <br />This project is subject to the provisions of the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA). Each <br />bidder was advised of the agreement in writing and verbally at the mandatory pre-bid meetings. <br />Each contractor was given contact information for the Bay Area Business Roundtable, an <br />organization hired by the City to provide free technical assistance to comply with the Community <br />Workforce Agreement (CWA). All bidders signed the CWA commitment form. The City’s Local <br />Inclusion Policy Ordinance was not included in this bid because its provisions conflict with the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/21/2022