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File Number: 22-656 <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The Notice to Bidders was published in the Daily Review, the South County Post, Visión Hispana <br />and World Journal. Staff also notified local builders’ exchanges and construction data firms, as <br />well as a list of contractors that asked to be notified of bidding opportunities via email. The project <br />is described on the Engineering and Transportation Department website. <br />Three mandatory pre-bid meetings were held on October 11, 13, and 17, with potential bidders. <br />Prior to any construction which would affect access to private businesses or residences, the <br />contractor will provide notification in the form of door hangers before the work starts. City staff will <br />also notify property owners adjacent to any new mid-block crossing ramp location (where no ramp <br />was located previously) with a letter and door hanger to provide advance notice of the new ramp <br />location. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The contractor has agreed to the terms of the contract. <br />Financial Impacts <br />The current estimated total cost of this project is $15,215 ,000 as detailed below: <br />Design and Bid $1,240,000 <br />Construction Contract - curb ramps (Spencon Construction)$2,471,750 <br />Construction Contract - sanitary sewer repairs $135,212 <br />Construction Contract - pavement resurfacing $9,950,000 <br />Construction Management & Inspection $455,000 <br />Construction Contingencies $963,038 <br />Total Cost:$15,215,000 <br />Funds included in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget for this project are as follows: <br />·Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1) Grant Funds in <br />Capital Improvement Fund Account 152-38-520 $ 500,000 <br />· Alameda County Expenditure Plan (Measure B) Grant Funds in <br />Capital Improvement Fund Account 144-38-520 $1,005,000 <br />·American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant Funds in <br />Streets and Highways Fund Account 190-31-804 $3,600,000 <br />·2023 Gas Tax Funds in <br />Capital Improvement Fund Account 140-38-521 $ 500,000 <br />·General Funds in <br />Capital Improvement Fund Account 210-38-521 $8,953,723 <br />·Sanitary Sewer System Repair funds in <br />Water Pollution Control Plant Account 593-52-277 $ 191,277 <br />This Council action is funded in part by the above existing project appropriations in the <br />FY2022-23 budget. Additional appropriation of $465,000, which will draw down the CIP General <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/21/2022