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equity, frontline communities, and workforce development as part of a just transition. Seek <br />funding for climate change mitigation and adaptation authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act. <br /> <br />CDBG and HOME Programs. Advocate to protect or enhance funding for Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership Act (HOME) programs to <br />more effectively address community development and affordable housing needs. Support <br />increased federal funding for critical HUD programs and housing opportunities. <br /> <br />Cyber Security. Support and pursue federal grant programs designed to help states and <br />localities with cybersecurity, including those programs established by the Bipartisan Infrastructure <br />Law to be administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) <br /> <br />COPS Programs. Support efforts to identify federal funding for various local or regional law <br />enforcement initiatives through the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, or other <br />relevant federal agencies or programs. <br /> <br />COVID-19 Response, Relief, and Economic Recovery. Administer the direct, flexible federal <br />funding provided to cities of all sizes, including San Leandro, through the American Rescue Plan <br />Act of 2021. Effectively utilize those federal dollars to support the ongoing emergency public <br />health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to address local revenue losses, to provide assistance <br />to individuals and businesses in need, and to facilitate continued long-term economic recovery <br />within the community. Advocate for utilizing the latest science and public health information for <br />development of guidelines and protections. <br /> <br />Department of Energy. Support efforts to develop innovative renewable energy, energy <br />efficiency, and energy storage projects to achieve energy security. Seek funding opportunities <br />that could assist in San Leandro’s efforts to develop a renewable energy micro-grid or other <br />relevant projects. Support Congressional appropriations for the Energy Efficiency and <br />Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program on an annual basis. <br /> <br />Environmental Protection Agency. Support efforts to maintain programs such as Energy Star, <br />the Clean Water Act, the Clean Power Plan and other federal programs that protect the <br />environment, public health, or plants and wildlife. Support efforts to restore regulations designed <br />to protect the environment or endangered species, or mitigate the impacts of climate change. <br /> <br />Federal Aviation Administration. Work with federal officials or relevant staff to address <br />ongoing noise and other impacts to the San Leandro community associated with flight patterns <br />and/or the operations of surrounding Bay Area airports. <br /> <br />Federal Emergency Management Agency. Support funding for resilient infrastructure <br />improvements such as green infrastructure, recycled water pipelines, levees & other innovative <br />solutions to protect vital community assets threatened by sea level rise, rising temperatures, <br />wildfire, drought or other hazards associated with climate change. <br /> <br />FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Support Congressional efforts for long- <br />term reauthorization and reform of the National Flood Insurance Program that expedites the <br />claims process, ensures that premium rate increases do not unfairly impact residences and <br />businesses, and acknowledges the accelerating impacts of climate change. Work with FEMA to