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City of San Leandro <br />DRAFT 2023 State Legislative Platform and Policy Guidance <br />Presented for City Council Consideration: January 9, 2023 <br />The City of San Leandro’s state legislative agenda for 2023 is designed to reflect the adopted priorities <br />and policy direction of the Mayor and City Council with direct input from the City Administration. This <br />strategic agenda includes advocating for legislation, regulations, and funding that is consistent with the <br />City’s adopted priorities. It is informed by the City Council’s prior year adopted legislative platform and <br />has been updated for 2023 to reflect new or emerging policy issues. <br />This agenda is designed to provide standing authority for the Mayor and members of the City Council, <br />City staff, or the City’s legislative advocate to take action on pending legislative matters on behalf of the <br />City of San Leandro when time or other constraints preclude bringing such matters before the City <br />Council in advance. Such actions could include issuing letters on behalf of the City, expressing the City’s <br />position in policy committee hearings, attending or scheduling meetings, or otherwise advocating for <br />actions that are consistent with the policy language contained herein. This document is also designed to <br />provide the public and the City’s advocates a better understanding of the Mayor and City Council’s policy <br />preferences regarding a variety of legislative and intergovernmental issues that might arise during the <br />course of the year. <br />This report is two sections: <br />1. City Specific State Legislative Priorities for Recommended Action, and <br />2. General Policy Priorities for Ongoing Monitoring or Advocacy <br /> <br />1. City Specific State Legislative Priorities for Recommended Action <br />Below is a list of specific legislative priorities for the City. Direct advocacy with the Governor, the <br />Legislature, State agencies, and other organizations will be generally focused on these areas. <br />It is expected that that the Legislature will maintain its focus on recent policy priorities, including: housing <br />supply, homelessness, climate change & environmental protection, transportation, public health & safety, <br />emergency preparedness and other topics. <br /> <br />Transportation, Public Works, and Technology <br />• Autonomous Vehicles. Monitor legislation and regulations for the development and operation of <br />autonomous vehicles and support efforts to develop a consistent statewide framework that <br />supports innovation and protects public safety. <br />• Closing the Digital Divide. Support efforts to address the digital divide, including efforts to better <br />support the public engaged in remote work or otherwise impacted by physical workspace closures <br />necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. <br />• East 14th Street, and Other State Right-of-Way Pavement Conditions. Advocate for <br />administrative or legislative solutions that would lead to further repaving or improvement to the <br />condition of East 14th Street throughout the entirety of San Leandro, as soon as possible. The <br />East 14th street right-of-way is a state highway, so maintenance is currently the responsibility of <br />the California Department of Transportation. Support efforts to improve the pavement conditions <br />of other State rights-of-way in San Leandro, including Davis Street and Doolittle Drive. <br />• Electric Vehicle Infrastructure. Support efforts and funding programs that provide greater <br />flexibility and opportunities to enhance and build out electric vehicle infrastructure, particularly <br />near multifamily housing units or other areas that could yield positive benefits to the community. <br />Support efforts and funding programs for affordable ownership or leasing of electric vehicles. <br />• Extended Producer Responsibility and Zero Waste Programs. Support efforts to enhance <br />and fund programs that advocate zero-waste practices, recycling and/or Extended Producer <br />Responsibility (EPR) among product manufacturers, retailers and grocery stores for products that <br />can be recycled, including pharmaceuticals, to ensure safe and proper disposal.