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File Number: 23-009 <br />standards, as well as other legislatively mandated training for Police Department staff. Due to <br />staffing shortages in the Records Division, there is no other staff available or trained to fill this <br />critical position in the Police Department. <br />This position is designated as a critical department position and has taken Ms. Colwell years to <br />gain the expertise necessary for the assignment. Her knowledge and experience will ensure there <br />is no gap in state mandated training. Ms. Colwell will also be able to properly train a successor <br />and provide needed support to the Records Division until a recruitment can be completed. A <br />recruitment is currently in progress. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />This Council action will not impact fund balance because there are funds available in the <br />FY2022-2023 adopted budget. The vacant position of Records Clerk is fully budgeted. If <br />approved, Ms. Colwell will be hired as a retired annuitant at an hourly rate comparable to the <br />Records Clerk salary range. She would not be entitled to benefits as a retired annuitant. <br />Attachment <br />·Attachment A - Resolution <br />·Attachment B - Employment letter <br />PREPARED BY: Emily Hung, Human Resources Director, Human Resources Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/2/2023