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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: February 6, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 3.d. <br />Agenda Section: RECOGNITIONS <br />File Number: 23-031 <br />File Type: Presentation <br />TEEN DATING VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH <br />WHEREAS, one in three teens in the United States will suffer physical, emotional, verbal or digital abuse from a <br />dating partner, a figure that far exceeds victimization rates for other types of violence affecting youth; and <br />WHEREAS, nearly half of teens who experience dating violence report that incidents of abuse occurred in a school <br />building or on school grounds; and <br />WHEREAS, only 33% percent of teens in abusive relationships ever tell anyone about the abuse, and 81% of parents <br />surveyed either believe teen dating violence is not an issue or admit they do not know if it is one; and <br />WHEREAS, young survivors of dating violence are likely to engage in self-injurious or high-risk behaviors, to carry <br />patterns of abuse into future relationships, and to experience mental health, or emotional challenges; and <br />WHEREAS, by providing young people and adult allies with education about healthy relationships, relationship skills <br />and changing attitudes that support violence, we recognize that dating violence can be prevented, and by training adults <br />working with youth to recognize teens exhibiting dating violence, we can offer compassionate support services that youth will <br />seek when they are harmed; and <br />WHEREAS, all teens have the right to a safe and healthy relationship, free from abuse. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I Juan Gonzalez, III, Mayor of the City of San Leandro, do hereby proclaim February 2023 as <br />“TEEN DATING VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH” and urge all citizens to work toward ending teen dating violence by <br />empowering young people to develop healthier relationships, assisting victims in accessing the information and supportive <br />services they need, creating better resources for young people, instituting effective intervention and prevention policies in <br />schools, and engaging in discussions with family members and peers to promote awareness and prevention of the quiet <br />epidemic of teen dating violence. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of San Leandro to be affixed <br />this 6th day of February 2023. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/2/2023