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General Fund End of Life $54M (without street <br />pavement) <br />Not listed, but included in the total cost: various landscaped medians at end of life: $11M <br />pe Facility Project <br />Observed <br />condition ROM 2022 $ <br />Play Equip Family Aquatic Center Pool at Manor Park Replace End of Life 350,000$ <br />Park Facilities Stenzel Park General Refresh / renovation End of Life 6,750,000$ <br />Building Fire Station 09 Refresh / renovation End of Life 4,602,000$ <br />Building Stenzel Park Restroom and scorebooth Replace End of Life 750,000$ <br />Building Fire Station 12 Refresh / renovation End of Life 5,000,000$ <br />Building Fire Station 13 Replace with larger facilities End of Life 15,000,000$ <br />Park Facilities Heath Park Refresh / renovation End of Life 1,600,000$ <br />Park Facilities Marina Park Volleyball Court Refresh / renovation End of Life 100,000$ <br />Equipment Halcyon Park Well Replace End of Life 250,000$ <br />Equipment Thrasher Park Well Replace End of Life 250,000$ <br />Fields San Leandro Ball Park Refresh / renovation End of Life 5,000,000$ <br />Building Thrasher Park Restroom and scorebooth Refresh / renovation End of Life 560,000$ <br />Park Facilities Thrasher Park Skatepark Replace End of Life 750,000$ <br />Building Fire Station 09 Roof Replace End of Life 200,000$ <br />Building Fire Station 12 Roof Replace End of Life 325,000$ <br />Building Public Works Service Center Roof Replace End of Life 794,000$ <br />Equipment Washington Manor Park East Playstructure Replace End of Life 250,000$ <br />Building Main Library Roof Replace End of Life 1,065,000$ <br />Surface Lot 1366 East 14th Street Reconstruct End of Life 537,600$ <br />15