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File Number: 22-751 <br />with the natural sand shore process, in addition to successive winter storm events, which now <br />potentially threaten several hundred homes with the breach of the adjacent levee. These overlay <br />with the findings from the City’s 2017 Human Services Gap Analysis, which identified a number of <br />frontline communities facing socioeconomic and racial disparities, particularly concentrated in the <br />City’s southwestern neighborhoods along the shoreline. <br />The City will partner with local community-based organizations, around community outreach and <br />leverage existing outreach work. The City will also collaborate with regional agencies, as well as <br />internally across city departments to determine the best course of action. The program would not <br />require the use of any City General Fund money since all the costs would be reimbursed from the <br />California Resilience Challenge grant. <br />Fiscal Impacts and Budget Authority <br />Adoption of the attached resolution will authorize the acceptance of the grant funding, with no local <br />matching funds required, resulting in no impacts to the General Fund. Funds would be <br />appropriated in the following account: <br />·Special Grant Fund, Account 150-57-204-5120:$161,000 <br />·Total: $161,000 <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment A: Resolution <br />Attachment B: Grant Proposal <br /> <br />PREPARED BY: Hoi-Fei Mok, Sustainability Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/15/2023