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<br />Section 2: Project Summary (Limit response to 300 words for each bullet) <br />Executive Summary: <br />The San Leandro Shoreline Master Plan will provide a framework for resilience to prepare for sea level rise <br />and flooding. The primary goals of the project are to: <br />• Create a resilient shoreline environment for people and ecology <br />• Enhance the shoreline environment to reduce risk to critical infrastructure and built assets <br />• Build social resilience in the community <br />• Build capacity for future generations to adapt to climate change <br />• Engage frontline communities with multi-lingual and culturally-relevant strategies <br />San Leandro’s 2017 Climate Vulnerability Assessment determined significant economic, transportation, and <br />public health impacts that could result from neighborhoods, schools, and businesses being flooded. Invasive <br />plant species and up-shore groins and riprap have interfered with the natural sand shore process, in addition <br />to successive winter storm events, which now potentially threaten several hundred homes with the breach <br />of the adjacent levee. These overlay with the findings from the City’s 2017 Human Services Gap Analysis, <br />which identified a number of frontline communities facing socioeconomic and racial disparities, particularly <br />concentrated in the City’s southwestern neighborhoods along the shoreline. <br />As the project lead, the City will partner with Unity in the Community and Common Vision, two community <br />based organizations, around community outreach and leverage existing outreach work by San Leandro 2050, <br />and San Leandro Tree Board. The City will also collaborate with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and <br />Development Commission (BCDC), BayAdapt (the regional agency collaborative on sea level rise), the East <br />Bay Regional Park District, other regional entities, as well as internally across city departments to determine <br />the best course of action. The project will result in a complete master plan, with the intent that a second <br />future phase of developing engineering designs for green infrastructure and other future construction could <br />be pursued. <br />Project Outcomes: <br />The project will result in a completed Shoreline Master Plan that can be shared with regional agencies, <br />neighboring jurisdictions, and community stakeholders. <br />Project Activities: <br />Project activities will include the following: <br />• A background report from stakeholder interviews of city staff and community members to identify <br />critical assets along the shoreline <br />• Two community public workshops to introduce the project and to get feedback on draft strategies <br />• An agency work session to get feedback on draft strategies <br />• Development of draft goals, policies, and adaptation strategies <br />• Development of second draft of the master plan <br />• Presentation at city council meeting <br /> <br />