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Packet 20230221
10C Consent
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3/21/2024 5:50:07 PM
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5/31/2023 11:26:54 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
Document Date (6)
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Does the project achieve multiple benefits across sectors (e.g., public health and safety is enhanced while also improving environmental conditions)? <br />The plan will address impacts related to flooding damage to facilities and amenities essential for maintaining <br />public health. The City’s Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) is located along the Shoreline and may <br />experience flooding to overflow storage ponds and impacts to equipment and/or infrastructure caused by <br />subsidence or uplift as the water table rises, which could result in public health impacts. <br /> <br />Can the project leverage other sources of private, local, state or federal funding? <br />City of San Leandro will provide a total of 201 in-kind staff hours to assist the consultant hired for the <br />development of the San Leandro Shoreline Master Plan. The City is also actively working with San Leandro <br />2050 and Common Vision on other grant-supported projects around community outreach and will leverage <br />the relationships built from that work. <br /> <br />Can the project be scaled to provide increased resilience in the future? <br /> <br />Completing the San Leandro Shoreline Master Plan will enable the City of San Leandro to be better positioned <br />for future regional and state funding opportunities for engineered designs and project implementation. <br /> <br />Can the project be replicated in other geographies? <br />Once the San Leandro Shoreline Master Plan is completed, the plan can be shared with other cities in the <br />Alameda Estuary Adaptation Working Group and BayAdapt as examples of shoreline resilience initiatives. <br />Many of the Bay Area cities share the shoreline and understanding the vulnerabilities, costs and benefits, and <br />feasibilities of green/nature-based infrastructure planning will be helpful to other jurisdictions. <br /> <br />Does the project involve collaboration with neighboring jurisdictions? <br />The City will work with regional agencies such as BCDC and BayAdapt to meet regional guidelines and best <br />practices. The San Leandro Bay-Oakland-Alameda Estuary Adaptation Working Group is supportive of the <br />project and is actively pursuing funds to create a subregional organizational structure and action plan to <br />accelerate sea level rise action in the San Leandro operational landscape unit. This project aligns strongly with <br />their goal to enable member organizations to collaborate on planning efforts and share resources to <br />accelerate project funding, design, permitting and implementation. City of San Leandro commits to <br />coordinating through this Working Group around this project and other sea level rise initiatives and will <br />benefit from the Working Group’s increased engagement to Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, West Oakland <br />Environmental Indicators Project, East Oakland Collective, and Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda. <br /> <br />Does the project involve collaboration with the private sector? <br />The development of the Shoreline Master Plan will involve significant collaboration with community groups <br />such as Collective Resilience, San Leandro 2050, Common Vision, and Unity in the Community for public <br />engagement. This will involve leveraging their existing meetings and focus groups, as well as connections to <br />youth ambassadors at San Leandro High School. <br /> <br />Does the project incorporate greenhouse gas emission reduction measures? <br />The plan will prioritize adaptation measures that reduce GHG emissions, such as nature-based green <br />infrastructure. <br /> <br />Does the project use the best available science and locally specific data and/or tribal ecological knowledge?
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