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City Clerk
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Packet 20230221
10C Consent
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3/21/2024 5:50:07 PM
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5/31/2023 11:26:54 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
Document Date (6)
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<br />Section 4: Technical Approach and Work Plan <br />Please describe specific tasks, schedule, and outcomes for the project. Consider including a table of the tasks, schedule, <br />and outcomes for the project as an attachment to this document. See attached for the schedule of tasks and deliverables. Note that the original budget was for $200,000 and after <br />correspondence from the Bay Area Council, the public workshop and engagement tasks were shifted to City staff match <br />time instead as well as eliminating the original task 2 for gathering sea level rise data. The modified budget is now <br />$161,000. <br />Describe your approach and rationale for planned stakeholder involvement in the project. The public engagement will leverage the existing network of partnerships and work being done within San Leandro. The <br />City will collaborate with groups like San Leandro 2050, Unity in the Community, and Common Vision to share what's <br />being done on the Shoreline Master Plan at the same time as other neighborhood engagement, tree plantings, and <br />community meetings. Staff will lead two public community workshops to introduce the project and to get feedback on <br />the draft strategies. Staff will also lead an agency work session to get feedback from regional agencies and neighboring <br />jurisdictions. This will also leverage existing regional meetings through BayAdapt, BayCAN, Alameda Oakland San <br />Leandro Estuary Group, and others. Lastly the project team will have 1:1 targeted stakeholder meetings with groups such <br />as Sogorea Te Land Trust to ensure integration of Black, Indigenous, and people of color voices. <br />Describe how results will be shared with members of the target community/ies and other stakeholders through public <br />engagement. The results will be shared during the public workshops, stakeholder interviews, and the council presentation. <br />Identify potential obstacles to successful completion of project goals and proposed strategies for mitigating these obstacles. <br /> <br />Staff capacity may be a limitation, but collaboration with other regional groups and community based organizations to <br />leverage what Is already being done can be one way to mitigate. <br />
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