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10C Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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City of San Leandro*Account Inception: 7/1/2009, Initial Contribution received June 2009.Aggregate is composed of account 6746019203, PARS/PRHCP MOD CONSERV HM PLUS, from 07/01/2009 until 08/31/2015, then of its own proprietary account 6746050400,PARS/CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, from 09/01/2015 until 6/30/2021, and then invested into a new proprietary account 6746065601, PARS/CITY OF SAN LEANDRO 115P – OPEB, from7/1/2021 and onwards.. Returns are gross of account level investment advisory fees and net of any fees, including fees to manage mutual fund or exchange traded fund holdings. Returnsfor periods over one year are annualized. The information presented has been obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable. Past performance is not indicative of futurereturns. Securities are not FDIC insured, have no bank guarantee, and may lose value.2Quarterto Date(3 Months) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 YearsInceptionto Date07/01/2009Cash Equivalents .86 1.48 .62 1.13 .67 .52Lipper Money Market Funds Index .87 1.51 .63 1.10 .63 .47 Total Fixed Income 1.77 -12.27 -2.30 .10 1.11 2.71Bloomberg US Aggregate Bd Index 1.87 -13.01 -2.71 .02 1.06 2.43 Total Equities 8.36 -18.42 4.83 6.19 9.51 10.81 Large Cap Funds 6.60 -19.95 6.90 8.41 11.98 12.42S&P 500 Composite Index 7.56-18.11 7.66 9.42 12.56 13.39 Mid Cap Funds 9.07 -17.25 5.86 7.04 9.79Russell Midcap Index 9.18 -17.32 5.88 7.10 10.96 13.05 Small Cap Funds 8.30 -15.40 4.21 6.21 11.24 13.41Russell 2000 Index 6.23 -20.44 3.10 4.13 9.01 11.12 International Equities 14.52 -15.69 .77 1.37 3.70 5.47MSCI EAFE Index 17.34 -14.45 .87 1.54 4.67 5.80MSCI EM Free Index 9.70 -20.09 -2.69 -1.40 1.44 4.17 RR: REITS 4.38 -26.20 -.44 3.61Wilshire REIT Index 4.05 -26.81 -.49 3.35 6.31 11.79 Total Managed Portfolio 3.50 -13.53 .27 2.22 3.72 4.96Selected Period PerformanceCity of San Leandro OPEB PlanPeriod Ending: 12/31/2022
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