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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: March 20, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 10.f. <br />Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR <br />File Number: 23-072 <br />File Type: Staff Report <br />Adopt a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Accept Grant Funds in the Amount of $5,500 from <br />the California Humanities’ Library Innovation Lab (LIL) Grant to Fund Programming that Engages Youth <br />Immigrant Communities Through Public Humanities Programs. <br />COUNCIL PRIORITY <br />·Community Engagement and Outreach <br />·Race and Equity Initiatives <br />SUMMARY <br />California Humanities’ LIL program is a competitive, small-grant program that enables libraries to <br />research, design, implement, and assess a public humanities project that is rooted in the <br />community, while also learning from a cohort of other grantees. LIL grants are funded and <br />awarded by California Humanities to eligible California libraries. <br />Under this LIL grant award ending December 2023, the Library would research, design, <br />implement, and assess public humanities programming in collaboration with middle- and high <br />school-aged youth in San Leandro. The research process involves conducting interviews, focus <br />groups, and surveys to build relationships and learn what type of public humanities programming <br />would best serve immigrant youth in our community. In the design, implementation, and <br />assessment phases, Library staff will create and reflect on programming, using iterative design <br />principles to create future programs. Program design, implementation, and assessment will <br />leverage relationships with immigrant youth communities to center their voices, feedback, and <br />needs. The Library will use the funding to conduct the research, programming, and translation <br />services. <br />The result of the LIL grant will be a way for the Library to connect with the community and uplift, <br />celebrate, and engage with our shared and diverse histories and cultures. <br />RECOMMENTATIONS <br />Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution to accept the grant award totaling $5,500 <br />from California Humanities and authorize the City Manager to execute all documents and <br />appropriate the funds. <br />BACKGROUND <br />California Humanities is an independent nonprofit who partners with the National Endowment for <br />the Humanities. Since 1975, they have promoted the humanities as a way of connecting <br />Californians to one another and our histories; they produce humanities projects and programs, <br />and award grants to schools, libraries, and community organizers, in support of public humanities <br />projects. <br />The Library has received one previous LIL grant (March-December 2021, “(be)Longing: Woven <br />into the Fabric of Our Community”), as well as two other humanities grants from California <br />Humanities. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/15/2023