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File Number: 23-109 <br />Communities that do not qualify for an individual allocation under the formula can join with one or <br />more neighboring localities in a legally binding consortium whose members' combined allocation <br />would meet the threshold for direct funding. As the City of San Leandro does not qualify for an <br />individual direct allocation due to its size, the City participates in the Alameda County HOME <br />Consortium in order to receive federal HOME funds. <br />Analysis <br />San Leandro joins with six other cities - Alameda, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Pleasanton, and <br />Union City - in Alameda County and the Urban County (consisting of the cities of Albany, Dublin, <br />Emeryville, Newark, Piedmont, and the unincorporated County) in the Alameda County HOME <br />Consortium. An agreement between the City and County of Alameda is required in order for the <br />City to participate. <br />Alameda County HCD, as the lead HOME Consortium grantee and administrator, retains an <br />annual, pro-rated fee from the annual HOME grant allocated by HUD to help defray the County’s <br />costs to administer the Consortium and perform monitoring, record-keeping, and reporting <br />required by the Act. For FY 2022-2023, the County retained $13,670.00 as its pro-rata share <br />from the City of San Leandro to assist with County HCD oversight and administration costs. <br />County HCD then allocated $238,908.00 to San Leandro as its FY2022-2023 annual HOME <br />allocation, of which $225,238.00 may be awarded by the City for eligible affordable housing <br />projects/activities and $13,670.00 towards City-related HOME administration costs. <br />The agreement under City Council consideration tonight will continue the City’s participation in the <br />Consortium and provide for the administration of the HOME Program by Alameda County HCD <br />for Federal Fiscal Years beginning 7/1/2023- through 6/30/2026. <br />Previous Actions <br />Resolution No. 2020-100 Authorizing the City’s continued participation in the Alameda County <br />HOME Consortium adopted on July 20, 2020. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The Housing Element of the City of San Leandro General Plan contains several policies <br />applicable to the HOME Program goals: <br />·Goal 2: Assist the Development of Housing Affordable to Extremely Low-, Very Low-, <br />Low-, and Moderate-Income Levels and for populations with Special Needs <br />o Policy 2.2 Support and Increase Funding for Deed Restricted Affordable Housing <br />o Policy 2.3 Support Housing Production for All Needs. The City shall encourage the <br />production of housing that is physically and financially suitable for individuals and <br />families experiencing homelessness, residents with special needs, including but not <br />limited to large households, seniors, extremely low-income residents, and persons <br />with physical and developmental disabilities. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/3/2023