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File Number: 23-091 <br />deemed non-responsive because the bids did not comply with the City’s Local Business <br />Preference policy. None of the bids met the local business participation goal by subcontracting <br />with San Leandro businesses for 25% of the contract value, and none included documentation <br />that demonstrated completion of the required good faith efforts to meet the local business <br />participation goal. <br />This project is subject to the provisions of the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA). Each <br />bidder was advised of the agreement in writing and verbally at the mandatory pre- bid meetings. <br />All the bidders signed the Community Workforce Agreement commitment form. <br />Analysis <br />None of the bids complied with the Local Business Preference policy. Staff recommends <br />rejecting all bids. Post-bid discussions with the bidders attributed their inability to comply with the <br />above-mentioned policies to lack of effort by the bidders. Staff anticipates that rebidding this <br />project will result in more effort to involve San Leandro businesses and residents. Staff intends to <br />aggressively encourage the bidders to use all means available to include San Leandro <br />businesses in this project. <br />Rejection of the bids will delay the sewer repair work by approximately ten weeks. The project <br />includes sewer repair work on nine streets that are scheduled for street sealing this summer, <br />delay in completion of the sewer repairs is likely to result in delay of the street seal work on those <br />streets until summer 2024. <br />Alternatively, the City could waive the local business preference policy thereby making all the bids <br />responsive and award the project to the lowest responsive bidder. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy CSF 6.4: Wastewater Collection and Treatment. Maintain efficient, environmentally <br />sound, and cost-effective wastewater collection and treatment services in San Leandro. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per <br />Section 15301 Class 1(b) of the CEQA guidelines. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The Notice to Bidders was published in the Daily Review, the South County Post, and Visión <br />Hispana. Staff also notified twenty-three builders’ exchanges and construction data firms, as well <br />as a list of contractors that asked to be notified of bidding opportunities via email. The project is <br />described on the Engineering and Transportation Department website. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/3/2023