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11C Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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File Number: 23-220 <br />demographic trends, and operating information. <br />The format of the ACFR is designed to serve the needs of three primary users: the City Council <br />along with other governmental oversight bodies, the public, and agencies assessing the City's <br />creditworthiness. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Financial Highlights <br />Maze & Associates completed audits of the City’s financial statements, grants, Measures B and <br />BB special sales tax revenues, and Measure F vehicle license registration fees. Maze also <br />reviewed the City’s Appropriations Limit Calculation for 2022-2023. Maze found the <br />general-purpose financial statements present fairly, in all material ways, the City’s financial <br />position as of June 30, 2022 (Independent Auditor’s Report, Opinions). The audited financial <br />statements include the statement of net position, statement of activities and changes in net <br />position, balance sheets, statements of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance, <br />and statements of cash flows. <br />Please refer to the MD&A section in the ACFR for detailed discussion regarding the City’s <br />financial performance and position. Key financial highlights for the year ended June 30, 2022, are <br />as follows: <br />·The City’s Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources exceeded its Liabilities and <br />Deferred Inflows of Resources by $215.8 million (Net Position), a $22.6 million increase <br />from the prior year. Of the total net position, $184.2 million was invested in capital assets, <br />$51.2 million was restricted for other purposes, and $19.7 million was unrestricted. While <br />Net Investment in Capital Assets and Restricted Net Position saw a decrease of $2.0 <br />million and $0.4 million, respectively, Unrestricted Net Position increased by $24.9 million. <br />·Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources increased by $13.9 million and Liabilities and <br />Deferred Inflows of Resources decreased by $8.8 million from the prior year. The <br />decrease in Liabilities was partly due to the decrease in net pension liability of $62.8 <br />million and the decrease in debt repayment of $6.7 million and decrease in net OPEB <br />liability of $1.7 million. <br />·City-wide Net Pension Liability to CalPERS for 2021-2022 decreased by $62.8 million, or <br />31% from $204.1 million in the prior year to $141.2 million. This significant decrease in <br />liability was driven by revised actuarial valuations from CalPERS considering member <br />contributions and strong investment earnings in 2020-2021. In addition, the City <br />contributed $6,500,000 into the Section 115 irrevocable trust with the Public Agency <br />Retirement Services. <br />·The City’s total net position increase of $22.6 million is comprised of a $17.6 million <br />increase in government activities and a $5.0 million increase in Business-Type activities. <br />·In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal government passed the American <br />Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) in March 2021, including financial aid to cities. The City was <br />awarded $18.6 million in ARPA funds, received in two equal tranches in 2020-2021 and <br />2021-2022. During 2021-2022, $1.2 million was spent on eligible programs. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/10/2023
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