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Packet 20230515
11G Consent
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5/31/2023 12:02:04 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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File Number: 23-165 <br />Agreement, the SLTMO has established agreements with independent contractors to staff and <br />administer the duties of the organization and ensure successful operation of the LINKS Shuttle. <br />SLTMO contracted with Municipal Resources Group (MRG), which successfully administered the <br />SLTMO for many years. <br />Following the end of the contract with MRG, the SLTMO entered into a consulting services <br />agreement on November 1, 2022, with the Transportation Management Association, Inc. <br />(“ALTRANS”) to serve as Executive Director and Administrative Staff for the SLTMO and <br />administer the LINKS Shuttle. ALTRANS works with cities and developers across the Bay Area to <br />implement, manage and monitor Transportation Demand Management Plans, including shuttle <br />services. <br />Analysis <br />As a part of the initiation of administration of the SLTMO, ALTRANS has performed an evaluation <br />of current governing agreements and practices of the SLTMO . Based on their experience <br />managing other shuttle services and best practices at other districts, they have recommended <br />amendments to various operational and financial practices to ensure efficient, effective and <br />modern SLTMO operation. <br />The funding for the SLTMO and LINKS Shuttle is generated from several sources, including <br />grants, business license assessments, City contribution and revenue from bus advertising. The <br />City collects the funds from most of these sources, and then disburses the funds to the SLTMO, <br />which then deposits them into a separate City-associated account from which funds are <br />withdrawn for administrative and operational costs. <br />Per the Management Agreement, City approval and signature by the City Manager or her <br />designee is required in order for the SLTMO to write checks or issue payments for its operations. <br />As the SLTMO is an independent non-profit entity which manages the funds and operations for <br />the shuttle services, the requirement for City approval and signature for payment has been <br />identified by staff and the SLTMO to be a cumbersome and unusual process. Based on this, <br />ALTRANS performed research and proposed best practices for financial management and <br />bookkeeping the SLTMO. <br />Based on these best practices, the following amendment was approved to the By-Laws of the <br />San Leandro Transportation Demand Management Organization on April 13, 2023: <br />Article VI - Contracts, Income and Disbursement <br />Section 3 - Payment Checks <br />All checks, drafts, or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence of indebtedness <br />issued in the name of the Corporation for any amount shall be signed or otherwise transacted <br />by the Executive Director of the Corporation or their designee. Expenditures or payments in <br />excess of $5,000 must be co-approved by two of the following: Chair, Treasurer, of Executive <br />Director or their designee, unless such expenditures or vendors have been pre-approved by <br />board action. by the City Manager of the City of San Leandro or their designee, following <br />approval by two of the following: Chair, Treasurer or Executive Director of the Corporation or <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/10/2023
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