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11G Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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File Number: 23-165 <br />the Executive Director’s designee and in such manner as shall from time to time be <br />determined by resolution of the Board or by the Executive Committee in the absence of such <br />determination by the Board. <br />To reflect these changes, the below changes are proposed to the Management Agreement <br />between the City and SLTMO: <br />SECTION 4. Staff Support and Subcontracts. The SLTMO is an independent legal entity, and <br />shall provide all necessary staff support for its activities. It may contract with the City of San <br />Leandro or any other entity such that the City of San Leandro or other entity will be an <br />independent contractor to the SLTMO to provide staff support, including but not limited to the <br />following duties and responsibilities: <br />G.Issue checks, drafts, or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence of <br />indebtedness issued in the name of the Corporation per its By-Laws. for any amount, signed by <br />the City Manager of the City of San Leandro or their designee, following approval by two of the <br />following: Chair, Treasurer or Executive Director or the Executive Director’s designee of the <br />Corporation and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the <br />Board in the absence of such determination by the Board. <br />Previous Actions <br />·RDA Resolution No. 2001-008, on July 16, 2001 approved the MOU with the San Leandro <br />Industrial Roundtable for the development, operation and administration of the West San <br />Leandro Shuttle two-year pilot program. <br />·Resolution No. 2004-152, on October 4, 2004 authorized Agreement with the San Leandro <br />Transportation Management Organization for the management and administration of the West <br />San Leandro Shuttle and Business Improvement District. <br />·Resolution No. 2014-115, on October 20, 2014, declaring the City’s intention to establish the <br />West San Leandro Shuttle Business Improvement District (BID). <br />·Ordinance 2014-023, on December 15, 2014 , amending Title 2 of the San Leandro Municipal <br />Code to Delete Chapter 15 and to add a new Chapter 15 establishing the West San Leandro <br />Shuttle Business Improvement District in the City of San Leandro . <br />·Resolution No. 2014-136, on December 15, 2014 , an agreement with the San Leandro <br />Transportation Management Organization (SLTMO) for the Management and Administration <br />of the West San Leandro Shuttle and Business Improvement District (the “Management <br />Agreement”). <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the proposed amendment. <br />Financial Impacts <br />The Finance Team has provided input on the financial best practices for the SLTMO and the <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/10/2023
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