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11H Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 04/17/2023 <br />Terraphase Engineering for Sea Level Rise Master Plan Exhibit A – Page 1 of 13 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />The Terraphase Team has developed an approach to the Scope of Services that builds upon the City’s <br />2017 Climate Vulnerability Assessment and 2021 Climate Action Plan. Our approach provides a <br />comprehensive evaluation of how sea-level rise (SLR) may impact the San Leandro Shoreline and will <br />be used to develop adaptation strategies that will ensure resilience of City assets, including people, <br />infrastructure, and the natural environment. Our approach prioritizes the guiding principles established <br />by the City to incorporate indigenous practices and provide the greatest benefit to the most vulnerable <br />communities in San Leandro. <br /> <br />A.1 Task 1: Project Initiation <br />Task 1.1: Meeting with Staff and Consultant Team <br />The Terraphase Team (composed of Terraphase Engineering Inc. [Terraphase], Raimi & Associates [R+A], <br />and Haley & Aldrich [H&A]) will participate in a project kickoff and orientation meeting. We will prepare <br />presentation slides and facilitate a kick-off meeting with City staff to establish project expectations, confirm <br />the project scope of work, and finalize proposed project timelines. The objectives of the meeting will be to <br />introduce the consultant team to key stakeholders and City staff, clarify lines of communication and data- <br />sharing practices, clarify any remaining scope of work or schedule questions, and identify any additional <br />background materials needed. As a follow-up to the kick-off meeting, a proposed project workflow diagram <br />and schedule will be prepared and finalized in response to City staff comments. <br /> <br />Additional follow-up ongoing project team meetings with City staff are proposed to occur every two <br />months throughout the duration of the project; we estimate that the project duration will be <br />approximately 18 months. Please see the estimated schedule in Section A.9. <br /> <br />In order to support Task 2.2, the Terraphase Team will work with the City to develop a comprehensive <br />and diverse contact list of potential participants for personal and small group interviews that includes <br />public officials, representatives from special districts and regional agencies, local community groups, <br />service organizations, businesses, neighborhood groups, developers, local colleges, and other interest <br />Groups. <br /> <br />Task 1 Deliverables <br />• Project Kick-Off Meeting preparation, meeting presentation development, and participation <br />• Project workflow diagram and schedule <br /> <br />A.2 Task 2: Compile Sea-Level Rise Data and Background Interviews <br />Task 2.1: Gather Sea-Level Rise Data with Groundwater Impacts and Flooding from Rainfall and Waves <br />The Terraphase Team will conduct a comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment to evaluate potential <br />impacts to the City’s shoreline assets due to climate change. The combined impacts of extreme <br />precipitation events, surface water inundation from the bay, and groundwater rise under multiple SLR <br />scenarios will be evaluated. <br /> <br />The assessment includes developing an asset inventory and asset mapping to quantify how those <br />assets may be impacted by flooding. The Terraphase Team will compile all background information in
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