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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 04/17/2023 <br />Terraphase Engineering for Sea Level Rise Master Plan Exhibit A – Page 3 of 13 <br />conditions base maps. <br /> <br />The maps will be prepared for use in the stakeholder interviews conducted under Task 2.2. <br /> <br />Task 2.2 Background Report Work <br />The development of the Background Report will include a summary of findings from stakeholder <br />interviews with the purpose of integrating racial equity into recommended strategies and prioritizing <br />benefits to frontline communities and indigenous partners. The interview structure and protocol are <br />designed to support an equitable shoreline adaptation master plan by capturing community residents’ <br />lived experiences, practices, expertise, and visions for the future. <br /> <br />Task 2.2.1 Schedule Interviews <br />As part of this task, the project team will contact potential participants from City departments and the <br />community previously identified in Task 1.1. The team will begin by contacting leaders of existing <br />community groups (e.g., San Leandro 2050, Common Vision, Unity in the Community) and indigenous <br />partners (the Sogorea Te Land Trust/Confederated Villages of Lisjan [Ohlone]), who directly work with <br />those most vulnerable, and can speak to the concerns and perspectives of communities that have been <br />impacted by past discrimination and indigenous practices that increase resilience. These leaders will be <br />leveraged for their networks to identify participants for either individual or small group interviews. We <br />will also use snowball sampling where appropriate to identify additional individuals for interviews. <br />• Target number of interviews: 20 in total; combination of individual and/or small group <br />• Target City department interviews: 10 in total, combination of individual and/or small group <br />• Community stakeholder interviews: 10 in total, combination of individual and/or small group <br /> <br />Task 2.2.2 Prepare Materials for Interviews <br />The project team will develop contextual material to present to participants that include scenarios of <br />surface water flooding and groundwater emergence for years 2050 and 2100 in the form of maps and <br />other visuals that identify areas at risk. Maps will include locations of a preliminary list of critical <br />infrastructure, resources, and assets at risk. <br /> <br />Task 2.2.3 Develop Survey Instrument and Protocol <br />The team will develop a series of interview questions that revolve around describing Challenges, <br />Strengths, and Opportunities for shoreline adaptation strategies and desired goals of the shoreline <br />master plan. Questions will be designed to be open-ended to encourage open conversation and <br />connection between participants and the interviewer. The open-ended survey will be designed to be <br />conducted via phone, video-call, or via an on-line survey tool, depending on the comfort of the participant. <br />The stakeholder interview questions and approach is similar to the framework used by the consultant for <br />the West Kaua’i Community Vulnerability Assessment. <br /> <br />Terraphase anticipates that a City translator will assist with multi-lingual translation of the questions <br />for appropriate participants and translation during interviews. <br /> <br />Task 2.2.4 Interviews <br />Individual and group interview questions will be loosely grouped into the following categories and will <br />be designed as semi-structured with the intention of encouraging open dialogue.