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File Number: 23-212 <br />(4)The total annual cost for each type of military equipment, including acquisition, personnel, <br />training, transportation, maintenance, storage, upgrade, and other ongoing costs, and from <br />what source funds will be provided for the military equipment in the calendar year following <br />submission of the annual military equipment report. <br />(5)The quantity possessed for each type of military equipment. <br />(6)If the law enforcement agency intends to acquire additional military equipment in the next <br />year, the quantity sought for each type of military equipment. <br />Within 30 days of submitting and publicly releasing an annual military equipment report pursuant to this <br />section, the law enforcement agency shall hold at least one well-publicized and conveniently located <br />community engagement meeting, at which the general public may discuss and ask questions regarding <br />the annual military equipment report and the law enforcement agency's funding, acquisition, or use of <br />military equipment. <br />On May 16, 2022, the City Council adopted Ordinance 2022-006 Military Equipment Funding, Acquisition <br />and Use Policy and Adding Chapter 4-42 “Military Equipment Funding, Acquisition and Use Policy” To <br />Title 4. “Public Welfare” of The Municipal Code in Compliance With Assembly Bill 481. <br />At that meeting, the City Council further directed that in the future staff bring forward the adopted policy <br />to the Community Police Review Board (CPRB) for its review once practicable (since the ordinance <br />creating the Board had only just been recently adopted at that time and it had yet to have its <br />membership appointed by the City Council). <br />Based on Council’s direction, the Department brought the policy forward for review by the CPRB at its <br />regular meeting of April 19, 2023, which was publicly noticed. That meeting included a staff presentation <br />coupled with robust questions and dialogue facilitated by the CPRB. At the conclusion of the meeting, <br />the CPRB unanimously voted (with one member absent) to affirm a motion that included the following <br />general provisions (modified for clarity and/or to reference relevant policies): <br />(1)The Community Police Review Board shall be designated in the policy as the community <br />engagement” forum for the annual review of the SLPD military equipment use report. (SLPD <br />Policy 707.9). <br />(2)The military equipment inventory on authorized uses for the Department’s robot and unmanned <br />aerial devices shall be amended to specify that these devices shall not be used for deadly force <br />(items # 1-4 in the Inventory). <br />(3)The Department agreed to consider further whether there is a need to retain the current “Use in <br />Exigent Circumstances” section in the policy and/or whether to amend the policy with a <br />definition of “exigent circumstance” (SLPD Policy 707.8) <br />(4)The Department agreed to consider amending the policy to specifically exclude from use those <br />categories of military equipment which the Department currently does not now possess. <br />(5)The Department agreed to review the authorized use sections of the Military Equipment <br />Inventory for chemical agents (e.g., CS/tear gas) and kinetic energy projectiles (e.g., rubber <br />bullets or pellets) to assure compliance with AB 48, which restricts the use of such devices <br />from being used at First Amendment assemblies (related to SLPD policies 303 and 431). <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/10/2023