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<br />Ordinance 2023-004 <br /> 3 <br />Sec�on 6. Ordinances Repealed. With the excep�on of the provisions protected by the savings clause, <br />all ordinances (or parts of ordinances) in conflict with or inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. <br />Sec�on 7. Severability. If any sec�on, subsec�on, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for <br />any reason held to be invalid or uncons�tu�onal by a decision of any court of competent jurisdic�on, such <br />decision will not affect the validity of the remaining por�ons of this ordinance. The City Council hereby <br />declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each sec�on, subsec�on, sentence, clause, or phrase not <br />declared invalid or uncons�tu�onal without regard to whether any por�on of the ordinance would be <br />subsequently declared invalid or uncons�tu�onal. <br />Sec�on 8. Effec�ve Date and Dura�on. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days a�er its final <br />adop�on. <br />Sec�on 9. Publica�on. The City Clerk is directed to cause this ordinance to be published in a manner <br />required by law. <br />Introduced at a first reading by Councilmember ____________ and passed to print on the 15th day of <br />May 2023 by the following called vote: <br /> <br />AYES: () <br />NOES: () <br />ABSENT: () <br /> <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> Kelly B. Clancy, City Clerk <br /> <br />