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File Number: 23-204 <br />pollution control plant management and business administration support; and <br />·Administrative Assistant I (Recreation)-organizational support. <br />Other key proposed General Fund service enhancements in 2023-2024 include: <br />·Implementing the Facilities Condition Assessment and the Parks Master Plan; <br />·Implementing the required Housing Element; <br />·Creating and implementing an Economic Development Plan; <br />·Investing in a safety Mental Health Response Unit; and <br />·Seeking alternative revenue sources supporting infrastructure and capital needs. <br />Key Assumptions <br />Salary Adjustments <br />The budget forecasts salary adjustments based on existing Memorandums of Understanding <br />(MOUs) for three labor groups. Salaries and benefits for periods in 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 <br />outside existing MOUs are adjusted by 3%. <br />Medical Insurance <br />Medical and dental insurance costs include estimated increases. The budget and the multi-year <br />forecast include annual 4% rate increases. <br />Retirement Plan Costs (CalPERS) <br />The City contracts with CalPERS to administer its pension plans. Pension costs are made up of <br />two parts including normal cost and unfunded liability amortization. Normal cost represents <br />service credits earned by active employees in the current year and is calculated as a percentage <br />of payroll. <br />Based on actuarial valuation reports provided by CalPERS, the normal cost rates for <br />Miscellaneous and Safety plans are expected to be slightly lower than 2022-2023 rates. While <br />benefits remain unchanged, employer contributions are down due to prior year portfolio <br />investment gains and higher employee contributions for two labor groups. Pension costs are <br />estimated at approximately $22,500,000 for all funds. <br />Fire Contract <br />The 2023-2024 proposed budget for the fire services contract with the Alameda County Fire <br />Department is $32,027,000 and this amount is expected to increase to $33,276,000 in <br />2024-2025. The contract provides for both emergency and non-emergency fire services in the <br />City. <br />Transfers Out <br />Transfers out of $6,911,000 in 2023-2024 and $6,888,000 in 2024-2025 include General Fund <br />contributions to the Capital Improvement Program, the Business Improvement District Fund, the <br />Gas Tax Fund, Self-Insurance Fund, and the Information Technology Fund. <br />Service Enhancements Reflecting City Council Goals <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/10/2023