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File Number: 23-244 <br />The total costs to relocate the two (2) eligible households is $122,000. There are sufficient federal <br />Community Development Block Grant and/or HOME Program funds to pay the proposed costs. <br />City Council already approved over $507,682 in federal CDBG funds in FY2022-2023 and <br />FY2023-2024 for acquisition, rehabilitation and relocation expenses for the proposed navigation <br />center at the Nimitz Motel. City Council also previously approved $795,009 in available federal <br />HOME funds via Alameda County for the navigation center. If the City is approved for State <br />Homekey 3.0 funding, Homekey will fund up to 50% or $61,000 of the total relocation costs. The <br />City anticipates using a portion of available CDBG funds for all or half of the total relocation costs <br />depending on whether it receives Homekey 3.0 funding. <br />This Council action will not impact the General Fund because there are federal discretionary <br />funds available in the 2 Year FY2023-2025 adopted budget, along with potential State Homekey <br />funding, to cover all relocation costs . <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Attachment A: Resolution to Approve a Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation <br />Assistance Plan for the Proposed Acquisition and Rehabilitation of the Nimitz Motel located at <br />555 Lewelling Blvd into an Interim Navigation Center/Shelter <br />o Ex A1: Final Relocation Plan <br />PREPARED BY: Tom Liao, Director, Community Development Department <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/31/2023