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ATTACHMENT B <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />• San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan <br />• City of San Leandro Standard Plans <br />• Caltrans Highway Design Manual <br />• Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications <br />• California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) <br />• AASHTO “Green Book” – A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Street <br />• AASHTO – Roadside Design Guide <br />• Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Standards <br />• California Access Compliance Reference Materials <br />• National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Bikeway Design <br />Guide <br /> <br />The above list is not intended to be comprehensive; documents and requirements may change <br />throughout the contract term. <br /> <br />It is expected that the majority of services will involve the transportation and traffic engineering <br />projects on an as-needed basis. Services may also be requested for the consultant to additionally <br />serve as an on-call contract engineer, with the additional responsibility of project management, <br />including the preparation of staff reports, conditions of approval, and draft resolutions. <br /> <br />At such time when the consultant’s services are required, Staff will forward a request for services, <br />including a project description, any pertinent supporting information and technical studies, and <br />copies of the proposed application [if available]. The consultant will evaluate the proposal and in <br />turn provide a Scope of Work and Cost Estimate for services. <br /> <br />Upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed, City staff will provide the selected consultant with the <br />documentation necessary to complete the work. Supporting documents such as site plans, traffic <br />studies, or other technical reports may be provided to the consultant in either print or electronic <br />form. The consultant will work with staff to gather the necessary information to ensure the final <br />product is adequately prepared. <br /> <br />Selected consultants may be required to attend meetings with staff, and the public, including public <br />hearings. Opportunities for teleconferencing will be provided when possible. Selected consultants <br />may also be called upon to advise and assist staff with questions related to the projects assigned. <br /> <br />All deliverables and work produced by the selected consultant(s), whether in hard copy or <br />electronic form, will become public record and the property of City. <br />