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File Number: 23-186 <br />LLC, as attached (the “Easement Area”). <br />As the owner of the Easement, the City has an obligation to maintain the Easement Area and <br />keep it in good and safe repair. While the City and Eden previously entered into a maintenance <br />agreement regarding the Easement Area, that agreement terminated when Eden sold the <br />property. Accordingly, City staff has been negotiating a new maintenance agreement with San <br />Leandro Partners to clarify the duties of each party in detail. <br />Analysis <br />Under the proposed maintenance agreement, the City will continue to provide monthly <br />landscaping and periodic maintenance for the vegetation and trees located in the Easement Area <br />and will perform minor repairs and maintenance of the irrigation system as necessary. The City <br />will also continue to be responsible for repairing potholes and restriping the parking lot in the <br />Easement Area as reasonably required. The City will also continue to be responsible for lighting <br />repairs. <br />If any repairs or alterations of the Easement Area have an estimated cost of over $10,000, the <br />City and San Leandro Partners will meet and agree upon the scope of the repair or alteration. <br />The City will be responsible for performing the work or hiring a contractor to perform the work. The <br />City will pay the first Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) of such repair or alteration, with any cost <br />above that amount split equally between the City and San Leandro Partners. <br />Under the proposed maintenance agreement, the East Bay Municipal Utility District water meter <br />serving the Easement Area will be placed in an account under the City’s name. The City will be <br />responsible for the cost of all water used in the Easement Area. San Leandro Partners will be <br />responsible for maintaining electricity service with PG&E to serve the Easement Area and will <br />pay all related bills. <br />As part of the agreement, the City is also agreeing to pay San Leandro Partners $7,448 for a <br />portion of the costs incurred by San Leandro Partners due to a leak in the irrigation system in the <br />Easement Area and related repairs. In the future, any necessary repairs will be conducted by the <br />City as described above. <br />The City’s responsibilities are consistent with the City’s obligation as the owner of the Easement <br />to maintain the Easement Area. The proposed maintenance agreement will also help the City <br />ensure the parking lot serving the Senior Center is kept in good and safe condition. <br />The proposed maintenance agreement, if approved, will be recorded on the property to bind <br />future owners. This will ensure that future owners of the adjacent property are aware of their <br />responsibilities. <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed resolution is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality <br />Act (“CEQA”) under Section 15061(b)(3) State CEQA Guidelines because it can be seen with <br />certainty that there is no possibility that the resolution may have a significant effect on the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/31/2023