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KEY OPINION LEADER INTERVIEWS <br />We recommend conducting individual interviews with San Leandro community leaders (KOLs). <br />We will conduct 5 in total to understand community needs and perspectives on how to grow programs <br />and services:▪Individual interviews will be 1 hour in length▪Each will be conducted remotely to accommodate the leaders’schedules.▪SLPL can sit in on remote discussions and ask follow up questions▪SLPL will aid in the recruiting of these leaders▪**RTL will interview up to two additional Spanish speaking KOLs free of charge <br />LIBRARY VOLUNTEER FOCUS GROUPS <br />We recommend conducting focus groups with library volunteers to garner feedback on how to better <br />serve the community.This will include teens and senior citizens,including participants in the Friends of <br />the Library program.▪Group 1 Teens▪Group 2 Teens▪Group 3 Seniors▪Group 4 Adults/seniors <br />04R E A D Y T O L A U N C H R E S E A R C H <br />RESEARCH <br />REQUEST