06R E A D Y T O L A U N C H R E S E A R C H
<br />24 FOCUS GROUPS +
<br />5 IDIs
<br />Schedule of Fees TOTALS
<br />Cost Per Recruit / English To recruit English speaking community members from San Leandro. 6 focus groups with 8 to seat 6= 48 total recruits @$250 each $12,000.00
<br />Cost Per Recruit / African American To recruit African Americans from the San Leandro community. 4 focus groups with 8 to seat 6= 32 total recruits @$250 each $8,000.00
<br />Cost Per Recruit / Spanish To recruit Spanish speaking community members from San Leandro. 2 focus groups with 8 to seat 6= 16 total recruits @$300 each $4,800.00
<br />Cost Per Recruit / Chinese To recruit Mandarin speaking community members from San Leandro. 2 focus groups with 8 to seat 6= 16 total recruits @$350 each $5,600.00
<br />Scheduling Fees/ Volunteers 4 groups of 8 participants, 32 total respondents @ $75 each for scheduling. SLPL to provide contact info $2,400.00
<br />Incentives / Honoraria for participating in focus groups, $150 each for community members, KOLS, and volunteers, 149 total respondents $22,350.00
<br />Incentive Distribution / $5 per person for incentive distribution. 149 across all groups $745.00
<br />KOLs Recruiting San Leandro team to recruit 5 KOLs on behalf of the study, fee for scheduling, confirming, and up to one reschedule per; $75 per person $375.00
<br />Moderation/ Volunteers 4 focus groups, 2 hours each on site, $1200 per group $4,800.00
<br />Moderation / Focus Groups English 6 focus groups, 2 hours each on site, $1200 per group for community members $7,200.00
<br />Moderation / Focus Groups African
<br />American 4 focus groups, 2 hours each on site, $1500 per group $6,000.00
<br />Moderation / Focus Groups Spanish 2 focus groups, 2 hours each on site, $1500 per group $3,000.00
<br />Moderation / Focus Groups Chinese 2 focus groups, 2 hours each on site, $1800 per group $3,600.00
<br />Moderation / Internal Groups (6) 90 minute online groups with library staff, commission and leadership; max 6 people per group @$900 each $5,400.00
<br />Moderation / KOLs Expert interviews to be conducted via Zoom; client to receive recordings and sit in on discussions if desired; $400 each $2,000.00
<br />Debriefing time To discuss all aspects of research, including frequent check in calls re: design and recruiting; assume 8 hours $2,000.00
<br />Reporting For a comprehensive report on findings and strategic recommendations ($1000 per group + $200 per KOL)$25,000.00
<br />Reporting Debrief For download of Mandarin groups $1,200.00
<br />Recordings Recordings of all sessions online and in person $0.00
<br />Refreshments for focus groups 10 on site groups, $150 per for snacks and drinks $1,500.00
<br />Research Design To design recruiting instrument and qualitative discussion guides for community, KOLs, internal $4,000.00
<br />Translation Of discussion guide and screener into Mandarin and Spanish $1,000.00
<br />Subtitling Of Library news story into Spanish and Mandarin $1,000.00
<br />Strategic Plan To compose strategic plan for SLPL $10,000.00
<br />Project Management To ensure project runs on time and in scope $16,000.00
<br />Total $149,970.00
<br />Deposit Required $74,985.00