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File Number: 23-251 <br />start doing services, programs, collection types, etc. <br />Facility Gaps = what do residents need from the facility in order for the library to best serve their <br />needs. <br />By identifying these gaps, a strategic plan will be developed that will provide areas of focus to <br />close those gaps. The strategic plan will provide the big picture direction to best serve the <br />community. A library services vision and mission will be created to guide staff who will come up <br />with the tactical services, programs, collections, etc. to execute on the strategy. <br />To ensure as many diverse voices as possible are heard, the process will involve 24 focus <br />groups of 8 participants each, representing a rich qualitative data collection set. These focus <br />groups represent different age segments (Teens, Younger Adults, Parents with Current Children, <br />and Seniors) as well as library users and non-users. The library wants to find out what it does well <br />and where to improve for those who use the library, and to find out what’s holding people back <br />from using the library for non-users. <br />This contract also makes efforts to ensure the City captures the voices of different multicultural <br />segments. While most focus groups will be a diverse mix of cultural backgrounds, a specific set of <br />African American/Black cohort of focus groups will also be conducted, led by a culturally <br />appropriate facilitator, to make as much effort as possible for people to be comfortable to speak <br />freely. Furthermore, in recognition that we have a very diverse population, focus groups will be <br />held in Mandarin and Spanish to capture the voices of our residents who don’t speak English. <br />Analysis <br />Staff recommends the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute this <br />Consultant Service Agreement with RTL to ensure that the strategic plan is in place within <br />FY2024 and actions to achieve the strategy can be put in motion during FY2024, FY2025, and <br />beyond. <br />Staff investigated other options including doing the research and plan in-house, but it was <br />decided that there was too much room for a biased outcome, and even if it were not, the optics of <br />it might be perceived as biased, which would erode staff and/or community trust in the outcomes. <br />Staff also explored other firms. The specialization of focus group recruitment, qualitative research, <br />and ability to understand libraries is limited. Only one other firm at a similar price was found in the <br />Bay Area to have the understanding of libraries and communities, the capabilities to execute, and <br />the capacity. RTL understood the challenges best and provided the focus group recruitment and <br />facilitation, as well as, the output of the final strategic plan report as a deliverable. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy CSF-3.1 Library Expansion and Upgrades. Support the expansion and upgrading of <br />public library facilities and services to keep pace with changes in information technology and <br />community needs. <br />§Action CSF-3.1.A: Library Modernization Continue to pursue the modernization <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/31/2023