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San Leandro Public Library offers services and programming to the local community.As an <br />area that has undergone significant demographic shifts in the past 30 years,SLPL would like <br />to learn more about how they can better serve the community and have a wider reach. <br />Considering that San Leandro is one of the most diverse communities in the Bay Area,SLPL <br />would like to refine programming and services so that they are accessed by the greatest <br />number of community members. <br />The goal of the research is to determine:▪In what areas is SLPL excelling?What can be improved?▪How can SLPL increase the number of cardholders?▪What services and programming is desired for different age groups and <br />demographics?▪What are the consumer behaviors around libraries that need to be accounted for <br />when designing programs and services?▪How can SLPL become a community hub as is trending in other major cities such as <br />Austin and Charleston?▪What are the communication gaps in the community?▪Do any building modifications need to be made to better serve the community? <br />02R E A D Y T O L A U N C H R E S E A R C H <br />RESEARCH <br />REQUEST