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File Number: 23-276 <br />·Measure BB Compliance report , <br />·Testing compliance for Transportation Development Act Programs and <br />preparation of report , <br />·Auditing the Vehicle Registration Fee Program for funding from the Alameda <br />County Transportation Commission and issuance of report , <br />·Preparing the City’s Annual Report of Financial Transactions (Controller’s <br />Report), Street Report, and Annual Report of Financial Transactions (Controller’s <br />Report) for the Special District and issuance of reports, <br />·Assist with GASB Statement 96 implementation . <br />Maze’s contract will be broadened for implementing GASB Statement 96 and reporting <br />under the Single Audit Act. The City is required to implement GASB 96 as part of the <br />2022-2023 audit. This statement provides guidance on the accounting and financial <br />reporting related to technology software license agreements. The financial statements <br />will reflect capitalizing the present value of software licenses. The audit will also provide <br />services related to the Single Audit of Federal funds related to the expenditure of <br />American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. <br />Maze has provided excellent service to the City and consistently ensures the City’s records <br />are audited thoroughly, while providing an independent opinion on the City’s financial <br />records. Crucially, Maze also tests the soundness of the City’s financial internal control <br />procedures. <br />Maze’s municipal clients include the cities of Belmont, Brisbane, Burlingame, Cupertino, Daly <br />City, Emeryville, Half Moon Bay, Hayward, Larkspur, Livermore, Milpitas, Morgan Hill, <br />Pacifica, San Bruno, San Carlos, Santa Clara, Sausalito, Sutter Creek, and Sunnyvale. It is <br />beneficial for the City to retain the experience and knowledge of Maze for one additional year <br />as the Finance Department prepares the new Request for Proposals for audit services <br />commencing in 2023-2024. <br />Estimated costs for GASB 96 implementation and additional Single Audit programs are <br />included in the contract amount ($115,300) and the 15% contingency ($17,300). <br />Previous Actions <br />The City Council previously approved agreements with Maze & Associates in 2011, 2016, <br />2018, and 2022. The City Council previously approved Amendment No. 1 in 2020, <br />Amendment No. 2 in 2021, and Amendment No. 3 in 2022. <br />Future Actions <br />Staff is working on a Request for Proposals (RFP) for audit services that will be issued this <br />Summer to seek responses from interested audit service providers. These proposals will be <br />reviewed and result in the selection of a vendor to enter into a new consultant service <br />agreement, negating the need for any further amendments to the existing agreement. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />Staff recommends the City Council approve Amendment No. 4 in an amount not to exceed <br />$115,300, allow the City Manager to negotiate and approve further individual contract <br />amendments up to 15% ($17,300) as contingency, and no additional appropriation is required <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/14/2023