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File Number: 23-273 <br />The project includes the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of MacArthur <br />Boulevard, Foothill Boulevard and Superior Avenue that would improve safety for all users. <br />The project also includes installation of protected bike lanes, as well as pedestrian <br />crosswalks. The City has been working with Caltrans to decertify an additional right-of-way <br />needed for the project, which consists of an 8,892 square foot area near the base of the <br />Interstate 580 embankment to the north of the project intersection. <br />Once acquired from Caltrans, the strip of right-of-way will ultimately be transferred to the City <br />of Oakland, since it is located outside of the City of San Leandro jurisdiction, but within City of <br />Oakland jurisdiction. <br />Analysis <br />Caltrans District 4 prepared an appraisal of the area to be decertified for the construction of <br />the roundabout, and the price of $22,300 was recently approved by Caltrans. The sale of the <br />property to the City is scheduled for approval on the California Transportation Commission <br />(CTC) meeting on October 18, 2023, but the City first must provide to Caltrans District 4: <br />-A resolution stating that the area to be acquired will be for public use, and <br />-A copy of the Purchase and Sale Agreement signed by the City Manager <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On April 4, 2016, by Resolution No. 2016-040, the City Council approved a consulting <br />services agreement with BKF Engineers for $97,490.00 for the preparation of <br />construction-ready plans, specifications, and estimates for the subject project. <br />·On May 7, 2018, by Resolution No. 2018-039, the City Council approved Amendment No. <br />2 to a Consulting Services Agreement with BKF Engineers for surveying and mapping <br />work associated with the acquisition of private right-of-way and easements from 650 <br />MacArthur Boulevard. <br />·On December 14, 2020, by Resolution No. 2020-159, the City Council approved <br />Amendment No. 4 to the Consulting Services Agreement with BKF Engineers for <br />additional work related to acquiring right-of-way and easements from Caltrans that were <br />not anticipated with the original design scope of work. <br />·On July 18, 2022, by Resolution No. 2022-121, the City Council approved an Acquisition <br />and Maintenance Agreement with the City of Oakland for the subject project. <br />·On July 18, 2022, by Resolution No. 2022-122, the City Council approved Amendment No. <br />5 to a Consulting Services Agreement with BKF Engineers for the preparation of <br />construction-ready plans, specifications, and estimates for the subject project. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />·On September 20, 2016, Engineering and Transportation (E/T) Department staff <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/14/2023