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File Number: 23-223 <br />amount provided by a combination of grant and gas tax funding . The City of San Leandro <br />maintains approximately 180 centerline miles of paved roadways. Street sealing is an annual <br />maintenance activity that prolongs the useful life of streets, and locations included in this <br />contract will receive either a 3/8” rubberized seal coating or thin slurry seal coat. The <br />treatment process is individually selected for each street based on its pavement condition. To <br />realize the maximum benefit from this work, streets are selected that have the lowest <br />pavement condition index (PCI) or pavement condition yet could also still be restored using <br />the above methods. When selecting streets, priority is also given to streets that carry more <br />vehicles and streets that are on a bike route. <br />The surface seal phase of the Annual Street Paving 21-23 project will complete paving <br />maintenance on approximately 15.5 lane miles and includes 90 street segments located city <br />wide over 13 arterial streets, 16 collector streets, and 61 local streets. A list of the street <br />segments proposed for treatment with this contract is attached. This project also includes <br />sidewalk curb ramp upgrades where necessary to meet code requirements. <br />In addition to the above surface seal pavement maintenance, the following pedestrian and <br />bike lane improvements are included in this project: <br />·Curb ramp radius reductions and flashing pedestrian beacons for two crossings on <br />Estudillo Avenue at the San Jose Street and San Rafael Street intersections <br />·Pedestrian bulbout and high visibility crosswalk at the intersection of Williams Street <br />and Orchard Avenue <br />·Bike lane buffer and delineators on Farallon Avenue from its current terminus east of <br />Griffith Avenue west to Doolittle Drive <br />·Class 2 bike lane along Washington Avenue from the Chapman Avenue railroad <br />crossing north to 139th Avenue <br />To accelerate the project schedule, this project will be constructed in phases. In advance of <br />this work, the City Council awarded a $2,471,000 contract to Spencon Construction in <br />January 2023 to upgrade the adjacent curb cut ramps to comply with the Americans with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA). Sanitary sewer point repairs within the paving limits of this contract will <br />also be completed under a separate contract as part of the Sanitary Sewer Point Repair <br />project. <br />Analysis <br />On May 18, 2023, the City opened bids for the subject project. Two bids were received with <br />base bids of $8,383,147 and $9,198,622, and with additive alternate A costs of $824,467 and <br />$908,181, respectively. The pre-bid Engineer’s Estimate was $7,115,245 for the base bid, and <br />$524,176 for the additive alternate A. Staff determined that Pavement Coatings Company is <br />the apparent low bidder based on the base bid . Pavement Coatings Company is also the <br />lowest bidder for the ‘base bid plus additive alternate A’ option at $9,207,613. <br />Staff recommends the award of a construction contract to Pavement Coatings Company for <br />the ‘base bid plus additive alternate A’ scope of work for an amount of $9,207,613. Staff <br />verified that Pavement Coatings Company has a valid Contractor’s State License Board <br />license and is registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations. <br />This project is subject to the provisions of the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA). <br />Each bidder was advised of the agreement in writing and verbally at the mandatory pre-bid <br />meetings, and all bidders signed the CWA commitment form. The City’s Local Inclusion Policy <br />Ordinance was not included in this bid because its provisions conflict with the requirements of <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/14/2023